# Addressing Bias in Human Genomic Data for Effective Precision Medicine

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In a world where each individual is unique, shouldn't our healthcare approach reflect that? This is the essence of precision medicine, a groundbreaking clinical model that tailors treatments based on an individual's genetic makeup and lifestyle. It signifies a monumental shift away from the traditional, uniform treatment strategies employed by healthcare professionals.

The anticipated outcomes are significant: enhanced health management that is not only more effective but also safer and more affordable.

Precision medicine transcends merely identifying the most suitable treatments; it leverages genetic and lifestyle information to develop precise risk assessments. By doing so, it holds the potential to preemptively address diseases through early interventions.

Initially, a patient’s genetic information is processed through an extensive database, where sophisticated computing systems compare their genetic sequences with those of others who share similar traits, creating a tailored roadmap for treatment.

But what happens when there’s no one else like you in the database?

The glaring issue of insufficient diversity in genetic databases presents a significant obstacle to precision medicine's advancement. These databases predominantly reflect the DNA sequences of individuals of white and European descent, capturing only about half of the global population. Despite the readiness of technology and skills to implement precision medicine within healthcare systems, the skewed data primarily benefits specific demographics.

To fulfill its promise of mitigating enduring health disparities, the field of precision medicine must first confront the underlying reasons for this gap and determine the necessary actions to bridge it.

The Genetic Blueprint: Similar Yet Distinct

The human genome is composed of approximately 30,000 genes, with a remarkable 99.9% being common across all humanity. However, the critical variations found in the remaining 0.1% provide insights into our evolutionary paths.

This minute fraction is the genetic data analyzed by commercial ancestry services like 23andMe, which look for mutation clusters indicative of ancestral migrations that occurred roughly 60,000 years ago from Africa. Such genetic differences exist for a reason—they enhance our adaptability to diverse environments, from arid deserts to frigid tundras.

In addition to revealing ancestral roots, the information contained within these three million nucleotides has life-saving potential. The prevalence, severity, and resistance to particular diseases often vary among ethnic groups due to a complex interplay of inherited genetics, lifestyle choices, socioeconomic influences, and cultural practices.

For example, individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage are at a significantly higher risk of Tay-Sachs disease, a genetic disorder caused by the lack of a specific enzyme. Conversely, sickle cell disease and thalassemia are more prevalent among populations of African descent.

Gathering and interpreting this genetic information can illuminate a patient’s likelihood of developing specific conditions. Furthermore, varying frequencies of genetic variants associated with drug metabolism indicate that not all populations respond uniformly to medications.

For instance, the blood thinner Warfarin poses a fourfold increase in the risk of strokes and brain bleeding in patients of Asian descent. Similarly, carbamazepine, a common treatment for epilepsy, is generally safe for Caucasian patients but can lead to severe skin reactions in individuals of Chinese ancestry.

A one-size-fits-all approach is inadequate when population-specific genetic variants, known as alleles, play a crucial role in determining the safety and efficacy of many common medications.

"Before precision medicine can be effectively implemented in clinical settings, we must correct its trajectory."

The Imbalance in Genetic Data

Precision medicine has the capacity to uncover the complex relationships between our genetics, health, and optimal treatments. However, to fully realize its potential, extensive genomic data that reflects human genetic diversity is essential.

A review of our current genetic data repositories reveals a stark lack of representation. Less than 4% of genetic samples come from individuals of African, Latin American, Hispanic, or Indigenous descent—some of the most vulnerable and historically underserved populations. Genetic data from the Asian diaspora is also alarmingly incomplete, making up only about six percent of the total collected.

Historically, technology has posed a challenge to the implementation of precision medicine, but this is no longer the primary barrier. Researchers now possess advanced tools such as next-generation sequencing, artificial intelligence for managing large datasets, and secure systems for handling sensitive medical and genetic information.

Despite these advancements, systemic biases persist. Genetic databases remain disproportionately composed of individuals of European ancestry. According to Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, head of the new Division of Ethics at Columbia University Medical Center, this exclusion results from a deep-seated mistrust of the research community.

This mistrust is well-founded, given historical abuses like the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, where African American men were misled into participating without receiving proper treatment for syphilis, even after penicillin became widely available.

"These historical injustices foster a profound mistrust of research," Lee explains.

Moreover, questions arise about whether any advancements in targeted interventions will be equitably distributed to all demographics. Will these innovations be accessible to those who currently struggle to afford healthcare?

The collection of genetic data is inherently intrusive, and a lack of transparency has raised public concerns about the handling and use of personal genetic information, particularly among minority groups who have faced historical exploitation in research settings.

Incremental Progress on a Global Scale

Mapping human genomic data opens up new avenues in healthcare, but it is imperative that data collection encompasses a wide array of diverse populations.

To achieve this, governments worldwide are supporting healthcare agencies and regulators in developing frameworks for precision medicine and funding extensive genomic studies to fill existing gaps.

For instance, China aims to become a leader in precision medicine by investing over $9 billion to gather genetic data from its 1.4 billion residents. Similarly, the U.K.’s National Health Service and Genomics England are collaborating to sequence five million genomes by 2025. Other nations, including Australia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, and Japan, are also striving to enhance the diversity of our collective genomic databases.

At the same time, smaller initiatives are making strides. The Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) program, now in its sixth year, has garnered over $170 million in support from the Wellcome Trust and the National Institutes of Health, facilitating around 50 projects that emphasize the inclusion of individuals of African descent.

The timeline for these global initiatives to yield meaningful results remains uncertain. For the present, genomics specialists advocate for a comprehensive reevaluation of genetic data collection methods.

"The current narrative from the scientific and medical genomics community is both harmful and misleading: the genomes of European descendants are prioritized above all others," assert University of Washington researchers Alice B. Popejoy and Stephanie Fullerton in a commentary for Nature.

They call for increased funding for studies that focus on recruiting participants from non-European backgrounds, as well as educational initiatives to integrate diverse communities as active stakeholders rather than mere subjects. To fully benefit from precision medicine, genetics studies must become more inclusive and accessible to underrepresented groups.

"A complex web of historical, cultural, scientific, and logistical factors maintains an unacceptable bias in genomics. Before precision medicine can be integrated into clinical practice, we must amend its course," the authors conclude.

Clinical examples illustrate the transformative potential of precision medicine. One notable case involves the application of precision medicine principles in treating breast cancer. The human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER)-2 was initially identified as a prognostic marker—HER-2 positive patients face a significantly higher risk of aggressive breast cancer. Subsequent clinical trials linked genetic profiles to treatment outcomes, demonstrating that the breast cancer medication trastuzumab is effective solely for HER-2 positive women.

Now, consider a scalable version of this process that addresses the full spectrum of human diseases.

Genetic data serves as a powerful asset in understanding and mitigating health disparities. However, this information must be handled judiciously. It has the potential to further entrench divisions, reinforce racial stereotypes, and exacerbate inequalities in healthcare access. It could add to the multitude of factors sidelining marginalized communities from equitable medical treatment, including poverty, racism, cultural practices, and addiction. With robust frameworks for interpreting and utilizing this data, we can safeguard against misuse and promote equitable access to health technologies.

For now, ensuring that all groups are adequately represented in our genomic resources remains the foremost priority.