Curated Chronicles of Health and Inspiration

Written on

A thoughtful portrayal related to health and wellness themes.

Dear enthusiastic readers and friends of Medium, I’ve put together 160 diverse collections to offer fresh perspectives to newcomers. Despite our extensive workload—encompassing the onboarding of numerous writers and the publication of countless drafts—I’ve carved out time to spotlight some hidden gems.

Today, I highlighted how Medium's algorithm seems to suppress cancer-related narratives, including those authored by qualified medical professionals. I invite anyone to challenge this assertion, and I’m ready to offer a reward for compelling evidence. As a scientist, I value constructive criticism and the opportunity to refine my hypotheses.

Setting the Record Straight: We Cannot Alter Paywalls on ILLUMINATION Stories

Addressing recent concerns about paywall settings and our editorial capabilities.

Amidst the turmoil, our compassionate doctor is leading us toward a brighter future through empathy and leadership.

Leading the Way and Empowering Writers for a Bright Future

Discover why we established a new Substack publication on Medium and our plans to assist writers through collaboration.

Our diligent editor, Aiden, often features fresh stories that deserve more attention. His latest compilation showcases his dedication.

Look What Aiden Found Today — Episode #176

A collection of my favorite reads alongside community-nominated selections tailored for the avid readers of ILLUMINATION Publications.

Aiden has effectively consolidated all his collections into one accessible story, and I aim to do the same for ease of sharing.

An Elderly Lady Gave Me a $100 Tip, My First Ever Big Tip

As an Australian, tipping is rare, but this kind gesture warmed my heart and motivated me to continue my efforts.

Recently, Aiden introduced another talented writer and our new editor, Douglas Kwon, who brings a wealth of experience as a linguist, author, and musician.

Meet Douglas Kwon

A linguist, author, storyteller, musician, and filmmaker.

Today, I penned an uplifting article about Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS), which affects the renowned singer Celine Dion. I hope she can benefit from a new FDA-approved clinical study.

Hope for Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS)

Insights from a groundbreaking CAR T-cell therapy clinical trial for patients.

Additionally, I addressed the alarming factors contributing to 2.7 million deaths in Europe annually.

Unmasking the 4 Corporate Culprits Behind Major Chronic Disease

The World Health Organization identifies tobacco, processed foods, fossil fuels, and alcohol industries as key contributors to these fatalities.

Dr. Mehmet Yildiz has created a collection showcasing impactful yet underrepresented stories that our editorial team meticulously refined over 300 hours. You will appreciate this collection.

Gift: Curated & Handpicked Stories for Friends of Medium, Who Pay the Premium Price

For good reasons, my editorial team and I dedicated significant time to these exceptional stories.

On another note, I was disheartened to hear about scammers cloning our reputable writer, William Spivey. They exploited his article from ILLUMINATION-Curated, which was selected as Staff Picks. Please check out his remarkable story about "Freedom Day!"

Breaking News: Racism Fighter William Spivey Cloned by Digital Scammers on Medium

The Great Cloning Caper: Mr. Spivey's battle against digital impostors following the likes of Hon. Barack Obama.

We recently welcomed a unique publication into our community, aimed at supporting Substack writers, and I’m proud to be part of the editorial team.

Invitation: ILLUMINATION Curators on Substack Publication on Medium

Empowering Substack creators across multiple platforms through collaborative efforts.

I also launched my first Substack, shared submission guidelines for my Health and Science publication, and wrote a brief story to kick off this initiative. I believe I’m the inaugural contributor, marking a new chapter.

Finally Joined Substack: A New Chapter in Supporting My Readers

Embracing the value of repurposing content across various platforms.

Our chief editor has guided new writers on how to maximize their Substack experience. I aim to absorb this information as I plan to invest more time there soon.

How to Start Substack Instantly & Own Your Content/Audience Effectively

Expanding horizons for writers by leveraging both Medium and Substack.

As a daily bonus, I began introducing boosted stories to enhance their visibility, as boosted content has been struggling to gain traction recently. Each older month will be incorporated into future collections. We pour significant effort into these well-crafted stories, which are truly labor of love. Personally, I do not have any boosted stories, but I cherish reading and promoting them.

16–31 May 2024: Featuring Boosted Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated

I also link to previously boosted pieces for new readers and aspiring writers as examples of exceptional storytelling.

In recent days, we added over 500 new writers, and I incorporated them into the previous collection. New writers certainly require support and encouragement to build confidence and flourish. We are a joyful and supportive community embracing diversity.

Here’s a valuable perspective for writers based on recent data-driven insights from our chief editor, which I found enlightening as an emerging writer.

Why My Wise Mentors Advised Me 80% Substack, 15% NewsBreak, 5% Medium for My Writing Effort

I explain the insights and strategies behind my new content marketing approach based on data-driven observations.

I recently reviewed the statistics and noted that Medium's algorithm appears to suppress or censor my cancer-related content, along with many others authored by PhDs. I provided examples to support this claim. It’s disheartening, and I may downgrade my subscription if it continues. Here’s Why I Now Firmly Believe Medium's Algorithm Deliberately Suppresses Cancer-Related Content.

Yesterday, I discussed boosting and shared my experiences to spark a debate, as the topic is often exaggerated by many writers, presenting it as a surefire method to grow an audience. I welcome your feedback and would appreciate corrections if I’ve erred.

No Boosted Stories So Far for Me, and Here’s Why I No Longer Care About It

I share my honest and informed perspectives after observing this exaggerated program and its subjective management over time.

I wrote about a groundbreaking study conducted in Japan, which offers hope regarding chronic diseases that are now being identified through gene therapies.

Solving the Mystery of Atherosclerosis in Patients with Werner Syndrome

Here’s a simplified overview of an innovative study concerning vascular aging and diseases in myeloid and vascular cells.

Here are the latest pieces for health and science enthusiasts:

  • A Public Health Wake-Up Call for the Vaping & E-Cigarette Concerns
  • A Sweet Deception: Unwrapping the Sugar Myth and the Truth Behind the Sugar Rush
  • Rising Threat: The Growing Risks of H5N1 Bird Flu
  • The Quiet-Quitting Epidemic: Why Are So Many Employees Quiet Quitting?

I recently enjoyed Dr. Mehmet Yildiz's inspiring editorial bulletin focused on community building within this expanding platform. If you are interested in being interviewed by him, feel free to leave a comment on his story.

Community Building: Featuring Interview Stories & Writer/Editor Profiles to Empower Creators

I feature these writer introductions for my new audience from my secondary account to help them find new readers.

Quick Update on My New Pub

My new publication, Health and Science, is making a significant impact and is growing rapidly, similar to its predecessor, ILLUMINATION. Today, I wrote my first newsletter, which received thousands of views in May 2024. You can read more about it in my first newsletter: Exciting Updates from the 1st Successful Month of Health and Science Pub on Medium.

I've started curating health and science stories from the ILLUMINATION archives. I hope you discover valuable pieces within, some of which were published before I joined Medium, and it was a delightful surprise to find such wonderful stories.

Top 10 Stories Published on Health & Science Publication for Friends of Medium

Curated Collection for Readers of Health and Science Topics #125

Writer Interviews

Dr. Yildiz recently interviewed Matthew Bamberg, one of my favorite contributors who primarily writes for ILLUMINATION-Curated with his engaging and well-researched narratives.

Interview with Matthew Bamberg

Award-Winning Educator, Researcher, Writer, and Photographer.

He also interviewed three authors: Payal Koul, Abhishek Biswas, and Øivind H. Solheim. Here are the links to these interviews.

  • Interview with Øivind H. Solheim
  • Interview with Payal Koul
  • Interview with Abhishek Biswas

You can find more interviews in this collection.

Writer Introductions

Meet the following new writers who have joined us:

  • Lawson Wallace
  • Karen Goldfarb
  • Naya Monroe, MA, LCDC-I
  • Tejus Yakhob
  • Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA
  • Joshua Mason
  • Seda Anbarc?
  • Dr. Emmanuel Ogamdi
  • Jozsef Kovacs
  • Davor Katusic
  • Thomas Allen Moon
  • Sneha Nagre
  • Zondra Dos Anjos
  • Ani Vals
  • Ammara Hassan
  • Sridhar Pai Tonse — Leadgen Coach- Tech Startups

Bravo, Digital Scammers & Standing Ovation for Staff?[Satire]

I will keep these stories here until Medium confirms that they no longer permit scammers to exploit our readers. We are weary of these scammers causing unnecessary stress.

Bravo, Digital Scammers: A Masterclass in Deception and Algorithm Exploitation

Part II: Bravo, Support Staff, Your Neglect Deserves a Standing Ovation

Invitation to Self-Curated Collection for ILLUMINATION-Curated

To attract more readers to the platform, our chief editor wrote a bulletin sharing his favorite stories. It would be wonderful if all writers created similar collections and submitted them to our publications. Here’s his sample to inspire our writers for this generous initiative.

March 2024: Collection of Boosted Stories from ILLUMINATION Publications — V6

Presenting well-crafted and impactful stories for avid readers, inspiring new writers with samples.

The Boost on Medium: Answering Most Frequently Asked Questions for Beginners

The True Science Behind the Health Benefits of Time-Restricted Eating, Including 23 Quality Clinical Trials

A 2024 meta-analysis (umbrella review) in the Lancet shows the nuances and value of intermittent fasting for health and wellness.

The Nuances of Phytic Acid (Phytate) for Health and Disease

I provide an informed and independent perspective covering the pros and cons of inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) and practical applications.

Here are remarkable stories from my reading list:

  • Emerging Concerns of Elevated Uric Acid on Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Impotence, & Dementia — Dr. Mehmet Yildiz
  • The Striking Adverse Effects of Night Light Exposure on Mental Health — Dr. Mehmet Yildiz
  • Re-hydrating with Water Is Good, But Not Enough — David Mokotoff, MD
  • How I, & Most of the Medical Establishment, Got Fooled & Scammed By the Diet Theory of Cholesterol — David Mokotoff, MD
  • What Car Shows Mean to Me and How They Enriched My Life — Aiden (Illumination Gaming)
  • X Marks the Insult: A Hilarious Encounter with AI Stupidity — Mike Broadly, DHSc
  • Don’t Let The Past Hold You Back From Your Full Potential — Alessio Sardella, PhD
  • How to Experience Spirits Beyond the Veil — Cedric Johnson, PhD
  • Life’s Method — Antonio Segovia, MD.
  • My Blockbuster Movie Trailer: Juicy Fight Between an Old Fart Scientist and Elon’s Broken Baby X — Aiden (Illumination Gaming)
  • Light Mission — Rebecca Romanelli
  • Heart Clock — Amy Christie
  • Your Gut is Truly Your Second Brain! — Angelica Mendez
  • 22 Signs You Are Working in a Toxic Environment — Bhavnaa Narula
  • Facing The Truth: Obesity. The Danger To Humanity — Dr. Gabriella Korosi
  • Outsourcing Charity to the Government: What Do the Givers and Recipients Lose? — Ellen Clardy, PhD
  • Can You Find the Last Two Digits? — Fletcher Thompson
  • Copy What Successful People Did To Make Money — Floyd Mori
  • Do You Remember the First Time You Connected to a Piece of Literature? — Goldie Trojan
  • Announcement of New Writers Joining ILLUMINATION Today #47 — ILLUMINATION
  • Collected Stories from Dr. John Rose — Dr. John Frederick Rose
  • Is It Bright Enough? — JamieWrites
  • Why Gaslighting Matters in the Healthcare Sector & How to Deal with It Effectively — Dr. Mehmet Yildiz
  • My Father Lay Dying — Jan G Sokol
  • Hey Writers, Why Do You Work for Pennies? — Jeovany Maneco
  • Spring Arrives Suddenly — John Britton
  • Unlock Your Potential: 3 Self-Investment Strategies That Make You More Than The Stock Market — Karina
  • How Leaders Find Light in the “Dark Night of the Soul” — MAGDALENA PONURSKA
  • How you deal with hard times will make or break your success! — Maximus
  • Nine Months with PlayStation 5 — And the Missing Piece — Darfom Izak
  • Unlock Your Ultimate Style: Why Cosmetic Micro-transactions are Healthy for Gaming. — Taylor Garcia
  • Breaking Through Writer’s Block — Michele Cambardella
  • A Drop in Time — Michelle Renee Kidwell
  • Invitation to Writers: A New Pub Named “Health & Science” Part of ILLUMINATION Group — Mike Broadly, DHSc
  • Ketogenic Diet Intervention on Metabolic & Psychiatric Health in Bipolar & Schizophrenia — Dr. Mehmet Yildiz
  • Hesitation — Ms. Fischer
  • My Swedish Hospital Experience — Oliver Lövström
  • 5 Mistakes You’re Making When You Text Your Partner — Paul Trood
  • Dyslipoproteinemia: Why an Abnormal LPIR Score Is the Best Indicator of Heart Disease — Dr. Mehmet Yildiz
  • How To Upgrade Your Learning From an Ultralearner — Peter Banasiak
  • The Best Things I Quit — Samantha Joy Laratta
  • Window Framed — Sarah Gall
  • How Can You Journal To Improve Your Mental Health? — Sufyan Maan, M.Eng
  • Here Comes a Brand New Flavor in Your Ear — The One Alternative View
  • The Zero Cost Game Plan: This Is How You SkyRocket Your Wealth — Tser Dennis
  • Ode to Leila — Ute Luppertz
  • Is Mercury Retrograde Over? Because My Bathroom is Out of Order! — Vasilena V.
  • Happiness is a Choice. — Waheeda Ghulami
  • Four Positive Changes COVID-19 Brought Into Our Lives — Wild Wombat

As promised, here are some monthly boosted stories for your enjoyment. They are well-crafted, informative, and entertaining.

List of Boosted Stories on May 2024

  • The True Science Behind the Health Benefits of Time-Restricted Eating, Including 23 Quality Clinical Trials — Dr. Mehmet Yildiz
  • Mr. K: Looking Beyond What We See — Bertrand Liang, MD PhD
  • How a Silent Heart Disturbance May Signal You Have Sleep Apnea — David Mokotoff, MD
  • Through Exile I Reinvented Myself — Rebecca Ruth Gould, PhD
  • The World Is Concerned About Low Birth Rates — Adelia Ritchie, PhD
  • 7 Reasons Why You Aren’t Losing Weight with Exercise — Michael Esco, PhD
  • Social Synchrony: Strengthening Social Bonds at Home, Work and Community — Wayne Stelk, PhD
  • New Discoveries From the Largest-Ever Study of Unhealthy Times to Eat — Matt Williams-Spooner, Ph.D.
  • Should You Bring Your Own Container? — Dr. Julian Barkan
  • Exploring the Humanity Behind the Zeigarnik Effect — Rev. Sheri Heller, LCSW, RSW
  • How Many Cigarettes Are in a Bottle of Wine? — Lauren Grawert, MD
  • Can Smoking Weed Help Your Depression? — Dr. Emmanuel Ogamdi
  • My Attention Disorder Makes Me a Better Therapist — Naya Monroe, MA, LCDC-I
  • How the Doctor Became the Difficult Patient — Joan Naidorf
  • Intimacy: A way to reconcile relationships — Kenneth Silvestri
  • Cannes, Mon Amour: The French Film Festival is a Beautiful Circus! — Karen Goldfarb
  • Never Underestimate the Power of Chance in Shaping Medical Diagnoses — David Mokotoff, MD
  • The Doctor Told Me I Have Morton’s Neuroma — Bebe Nicholson
  • Cultural Treasures and Coastal Pleasures: A Special Cyprus Travel Diary — Jozsef Kovacs
  • How Seeing “Civil War” Made Me a Tragic Optimist — Jan M Flynn
  • How I learned to love interviewing job candidates — Lisa Bage
  • Effective Treatments for Depression — Dr. Emmanuel Ogamdi
  • Tips For Dating a “Crazy Horse Girl” — Sean Kernan
  • The Healing Power of Color in Nature — Rebecca Romanelli
  • The Art of Killing Your Darlings with Impunity — Tejus Yakhob
  • Am I Falling for Misinformation Out of Laziness? — Regina Clarke
  • If Not Friend, Why Friend Shaped? — Isabel Villasmil, MRes.
  • Don’t Call Me ‘Special Needs,’ And Other Ableist Words You May Be Using — Annika Hotta
  • Memorial Day: The Uncomfortable Holiday — John Egelkrout
  • A Small American Town and the Future of Homelessness — Jay M E
  • And Now, It Is Time for the Sauce — Peter Sassi
  • Public Speaking As a Booster for Life — Davor Katusic
  • I Immersed Myself in the Manosphere — Here’s What I Learned — Holly Paige
  • Reflecting on the Love I Shared with My Mother — Sumera Rizwan
  • Do Mediterranean Countries Follow the Mediterranean Diet? — David Mokotoff, MD
  • It’s the 70th Anniversary of the Brown v. Board Decision — William Spivey
  • When I Rebuilt My Life, I Built a Cathedral — John Clark — The Voice of Courage
  • How This Mom Fail Made Me a Better Doctor — Joan Naidorf
  • The History of the American Medical Association and Its Legacy of Racism and Misogyny — William Spivey
  • The Principal Goes Back to School: Lesson #1 — Donn K. Harris
  • Are We Destined To Become Our Parents? — Sean Kernan
  • How the Industrialization of Medicine Is Fueling the Growth of Concierge Medicine — David Mokotoff, MD
  • From Dreamer to Doer: How to Help Your Child Thrive — Gabriela Trofin-Tatár
  • Think like an investor: Finding the right job for you and other big life decisions — Sarah Cordivano
  • 11 Psychology Terms You Might Have Been Using Wrongly — Dr Emmanuel Ogamdi
  • Sifting Through the Madness for the Word, The Line, the Neigh: The Society of the Horseman’s Word — Lance R. Fletcher

Thank you for engaging with these beautiful stories.

Cellular Responses to Ketosis: Can Cancer Cells Listen and Behave? Thank you for sharing it like all other posts that you read in this collection.

I would recommend the following post to all my readers as it can lower the obesity epidemic leading to diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and cancers globally.

Nuances of Fructose Metabolism in Obesity, Diabetes, NAFL, Heart Disease, Dementia, & Cancer

Understanding the biochemistry of fructose and its implications for managing hunger and preventing visceral fat accumulation.

Thank you for engaging with these beautiful stories.

ILLUMINATION Reading Club #4

Chosen stories from writers of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium for avid readers.

Thank you for immersing yourself in these remarkable narratives!

My Curated Collections

If you are interested in boosting visibility, Dr. Yildiz recently addressed frequently asked questions regarding the boost program on Medium, providing enlightening insights that surprised me as a writer and editor. I wish I had encountered this information a year ago. It explains why none of my stories received boosts, leading me to pause my writing, but he offers us hope.

The Boost on Medium: Answering Most Frequently Asked Questions for Beginners

Since its inception, the Boost initiative has inspired writers, although it remains in its pilot phase, and we...

As a boost nominator, Aiden has introduced stories from frequently boosted writers. Thus far, he has completed four episodes and plans to share more, as they can be beneficial for new writers.

  • Lessons Learned from Boosted Stories — Episode #1
  • Lessons Learned from Boosted Stories — Episode #2
  • Lessons Learned from Boosted Stories — Episode #3
  • Lessons Learned from Boosted Stories — Episode #4

ILLUMINATION-Curators compiled our boosted stories. You may find exceptional narratives within this collection: Collection of Boosted Stories from ILLUMINATION Publications — V5. They also created a new Reader’s Club post featuring numerous wonderful stories: ILLUMINATION Reading Club #9.

I discovered captivating interviews with writers and compiled them into a post for easy access. They are inspiring and filled with valuable lessons: Reading the Stories of 50+ Influential Writers Via Their Captivating Interviews Inspired Me.

Influencing Non-Members to Become Members

You may check this open letter from Dr. Mehmet Yildiz addressed to non-members. He noted that many readers and writers are non-members who do not contribute to the platform’s growth. I believe you’ll find his insights valuable and relatable.

An Authentic Open Letter to Non-Members

Articulating the value of membership for curious minds, avid readers, and seekers of global collaboration.

To encourage non-members, I compiled a list of all the boosted stories I read last month and shared my reflections, highlighting some common themes among these exceptional narratives. You will find something for everyone, as these well-written stories span a variety of topics and styles.

I Read 100+ Boosted Stories and Here’s What I Learned

Introduction to New Writers

Now, let’s extend a warm welcome to the new writers who have recently joined us. Please explore their stories, and if they resonate with you, consider connecting with them. This presents an excellent opportunity for both writers and readers to engage and connect. New writers, please review the onboarding pack attached in the introduction before submitting your stories. Photos are crucial, so ensure you check the image handling policy to avoid returns.