Curated Insights: A Journey Through Health & Science Narratives

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Dear dedicated readers and friends of Medium, I have assembled a collection of 116 lists, providing newcomers with an array of topics to explore. My goal is to uncover valuable stories that may have been overlooked and present them for your enjoyment. Today, I've highlighted an engaging narrative from my latest publication, Health & Science, which is rapidly gaining traction.

My friend Aiden regularly brings fresh content to the forefront. Here’s his latest discovery.

A captivating visual related to Health & Science stories

Aiden's New Find — Episode #139

#### Notable stories I've read along with community-nominated selections tailored for enthusiasts of ILLUMINATION Publications on…

Aiden also crafted a beautiful piece yesterday, but he was too busy today to share it.

The Dance of Thousand-Hand Bodhisattva: Insights on Sensational Disability

#### Reflections on Guanyin — the mystical Goddess of Mercy

My latest piece delves into the health impacts of racism on marginalized communities in the US.

Racism: A Significant Cause and Risk Factor for the Death and Suffering of Innocent Young People in the US

#### Featuring a remarkable story by Dr. Yildiz, a revealing article from JAMA, and a podcast featuring Dr. Woolf of Virginia…

Recently, we welcomed over 200 new writers. I’ve introduced them in my earlier collection, so please extend a warm welcome and check out their contributions.

Aiden's latest story greatly inspired me to express my emotions through writing. His poignant tale about Australians evoked strong feelings in me, and I aimed to convey them in a constructive manner.

An Extraordinary Tale That Moved Me Today

#### As an elder Aussie, this remarkable narrative stirred deep emotions within me, recalling memories that span…

Inspired by fantastic stories in Health and Science, I penned a piece about aging and longevity, donning my humorous hat while featuring my cardiologist son and a retired cardiologist author who challenged me in a good-natured way.

Decoding the Secrets: Outsmarting Your DNA for a Longer Life (Almost)

#### Some scientists aspire to live for a thousand years. My modest goal is to reach a humble 999 years…

Our media expert Aiden (Illumination Gaming) unveiled several shocking yet insightful stories in my new Health and Science publication.

Can You Believe a Cambridge-educated MD Engaging in Affairs with Multiple Women at His Practice?

#### Reports indicate he had encounters with numerous women right there in his office…

Beyond the Physical: Understanding the Psychology Behind Same-Sex Doctor Preferences

#### The Psychological Dynamics of Same-Sex Doctor Requests

Medical Betrayal: A Lethal Injection by an Anaesthesiologist Uncovers a Trust Breach

#### Chilling details revealed in court about a rogue anaesthesiologist's sinister actions…

I am excited to introduce our publication contributors. Starting with Dr. Adam Tabriz, a key medical contributor, I hope you enjoy this humorous introduction. Stay tuned for more!

Meet Dr. Adam Tabriz, MD, from the Health & Science Publication of ILLUMINATION

#### Introducing contributors of my new publication, amplifying voices of health science researchers and practitioners…

Dr. Tabriz has launched a new publication called Integrated Healthcare, part of ILLUMINATION Integrated publications, and he has invited contributions. Let's actively participate in this special initiative!

Invitation to Contribute to Integrated Healthcare within ILLUMINATION Publications on Medium

#### Initial Submission Guidelines

Introduction to My New Publication

Screen capture of Health & Science publication on

Writers interested in health and science topics are encouraged to contribute to the Health & Science publication. I will gladly review, publish, and promote high-quality stories that captivate our readers.

The first draft of the publication and submission guidelines is ready. I link it here for interested writers and readers of my new publication: Invitation to Writers: A New Pub Named “Health & Science” Part of ILLUMINATION Group.

It will be fantastic as many writers explore these themes, and we will encourage them to publish here quickly while promoting them through various channels. I already have a few volunteer amplifiers like Aiden, my good Aussie mate.

I am inspired by numerous exceptional submissions recently. Two stories were highlighted yesterday. I aim to boost views and engagement rates among passionate readers to support our authentic and inspiring authors. At the end of this collection, I will provide brief updates on publication activities, as readers are primarily interested in the stories I select from our publications.

I enjoy writing uplifting stories, so I linked Aiden’s Bollywood piece to provide some delightful entertainment in front of your screen, uplifting your spirits with the beautiful dance and sounds of Nagada Sang Dhol.

Nagada Sang Dhol: The Vibrant Drum Beats of Exotic India

#### This mesmerizing dance video has captivated over 188 million viewers. If the Medium Gods favor us…

If you missed Aiden’s intriguing Bollywood story, here is the link.

My Passion for Bollywood: A Journey Through India’s Cinematic Wonders & Dance Extravaganza

#### As an enthusiastic movie critic and filmmaker, my love for Bollywood films runs deep. Join me on this cinematic adventure as I…

A heartfelt thank you to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz (Tech) today for amplifying my new publication and inviting new contributors.

Invitation to a New ILLUMINATION Publication Titled “Health & Science”

#### Spearheaded by Dr. Mike Broadly, this publication aims to curate outstanding narratives related to health and science topics…

I have curated my top 10 favorite stories from Health & Science and will continue this weekly as time allows.

April 2024: Monthly Updates from the ILLUMINATION Editorial Team

#### Useful information summarizing achievements and plans for writers, readers, editors, curators, and administrators

Today, we welcomed 200 new writers to our publications. Thank you for supporting the emergence of new voices on this platform.

ILLUMINATION editors introduced two remarkable writers, Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA, and Joshua Mason. Please extend a warm welcome to them and delve into their stories.

Meet Jack Kammer, MSW/MBA

#### Author of Heroes of the Blue Sky Rebellion and several other works

Meet Joshua Mason on Medium

#### Joshua’s background in Management and Police Science honed his leadership skills, aiding him in analyzing various situations…

Invitation to Self-Curated Collections for ILLUMINATION-Curated

To attract more readers to our platform, our chief editor, Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, penned a bulletin sharing his favorite stories. It would be wonderful for all writers to create similar collections and submit them to our publications. Here is his example to inspire our writers for this generous endeavor.

Weekly Update 12–23 April: Featuring Boosted Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated

#### I also link to previously boosted pieces for new readers and aspiring writers as examples of exceptional narratives.

Recently, I wrote a special/satirical curation piece highlighting valuable stories while addressing the censorship issues on social media. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Does Medium Still Flirt with X?

#### I hope not! X put me in the slammer just for sharing a cheeky snippet of an exceptional/curated story on…

Enjoy My Favorite Stories and Some Nominated Ones from ILLUMINATION Publications

#### March 2024: A Collection of Boosted Stories from ILLUMINATION Publications — V6

These significant health narratives have offered me valuable insights today.

Research into Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the US Indicates All-Cause Mortality Among…

#### What do these enlightening research findings published in JAMA mean for us as parents, educators, medical professionals…

The Striking Effects of COVID-19 on the Digestive System from Rigorous Studies

#### Researchers published in Nature found that beyond the initial 30 days of COVID-19 infection, patients experienced…

Alarming Asthma Disparities Among Black Youth: Immediate and Practical Solutions Needed

#### Here, I share insights I gathered about asthma while raising my child and from extensive research spanning over three decades.

Here are some wonderful stories from my reading list.

> Leptin Therapy Historically Failed to Manage Obesity, Yet Research Into GLP1-RAs Brings New Hope > GLP1-RAs: After Diabetes, Tirzepatide & Semaglutide Offer Hope for Osteoarthritis & Dementia Patients > Finding Comfort in Blocks: How Minecraft Eased My Loneliness and Intense Grief at 17 > Here’s How I Improved My VO2max After My 60s with Persistence and Guidance > May 10th: World Lupus Day Sparks Global Support > Effective Treatments for Depression > Mild Alcohol Intake is Good, No Bad, Now Good Again > What We Learned When My Fiancée Was Hospitalized for Life-Threatening Anemia > How I Wasted My 20s > Be “Boring” If You Want to Be Successful > Finding Comfort in Blocks: How Minecraft Eased My Loneliness and Intense Grief at 17 > Empty Promises To A Homeless Man > Using Archetypes to Enhance Your Understanding of Self and Others > Fish Oil During Pregnancy: Benefits and Risks > Knud Rasmussen and the Drawings of the Inuit Shaman Anarqaq > On the Pillars of the Great Library — A Visit to the Endless Halls of Thought Over Reason > Exploring the Psychological Depths Behind Catherine > Anthos and The Fall > Clockwise? > 6 Quick Tips To Avoid Procrastination > The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement Revisited > I Supported AOC. Until Now. > Do You Choose Acceptance Or Tolerance > How to Make a Skittish Cat Your Friend > 3 Reasons Why NASA’s Private Sector Space Partnership Matters > The Government Must Take A Tougher, Stricter Approach > Pim Fortuyn, the murder that violated Dutch democracy > Weekly Update: Boosted Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated > Who We Really Are? > Rethinking Work-Life Balance in the Modern World > Who Is The Victim? Who Is The Perpetrator? > An Optimal Way to Solve Sleep Issues Is Understanding the Roles of Cortisol, Melatonin, and… > Sophie Germain: A Revolutionary Mathematician Beyond Her Time > I stayed neutral and Karma got back at me. > Webbed > Closet > Unlocking True Wealth: Does Embracing Middle-Class Mindset Achieve Financial Success? > How Dare You Equate Job Hopping to Prostitution! > 5 Ways for Trainers & Presenters to Stay in Charge of the Training Room > A Brave Person Speaks The Truth — And Stands By It > Just Call Me “Honky” > Be Well, Dress Well, and Act Well > The ‘One Thing’ We’ve Forgotten in Other People

Nuances of Fructose Metabolism in Obesity, Diabetes, NAFL, Heart Disease, Dementia, & Cancer

#### Understanding the biochemistry of fructose and its nuances for managing hunger, preventing visceral fat accumulation, &…

Cellular Responses to Ketosis: Can Cancer Cells Listen and Behave? Thank you for sharing this and all other posts that you read in this collection.

Thank You for Engaging with These Inspiring Stories


ILLUMINATION Reading Club #4

#### Selected stories from writers of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium for dedicated readers

Thank you for reading these remarkable narratives!

My Curated Collections

#### Edit description

Quick Updates on Writing and Publication Activities

Aiden recently shared his weekly boosted story collection just a few hours ago. We received around 30 new boosted stories that are phenomenal. Weekly Update 1–12 April: Featuring Boosted Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated.

Here is important news from ILLUMINATION editors who interviewed Dr. Yildiz regarding a new policy for writers of the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION that prevents them from monetizing AI-generated content. I believe all writers can gain insights from this valuable interview. POLICY: No More Monetization of AI-Generated Content on Medium.

Recently, I wrote a brief yet significant piece informing the public that intermittent fasting would not elevate heart disease risk by 91%. AHA’s Public Blunder: Advocating for a Caring Response from Major Media Outlets.

Here’s what Dr. Mehmet Yildiz wrote about this matter. Perfect Storm in a Teacup: Can Intermittent Fasting Increase Heart Disease Risk by 91%? Aiden also crafted a more engaging and interesting narrative surrounding this topic: Why I Believe Fasting Doesn’t Cause Heart Disease But Obesity Does.

As both a writer and reader, if you aspire to be successful, I discovered an incredible business opportunity. However, it is a scam, and I approached it satirically to provide you with some insights and a few laughs. Please don’t take it too seriously. Forget Researching & Writing, Just Start Scrolling, Clapping & Highlighting.

Recently, I addressed a significant public health concern, featuring a story that touched my heart. I shared it with my family and friends, and they loved it. Breast Cancer: Why Every Woman (& Man) Should Read This Empowering Story.

I am thrilled that Dr. Yildiz also addressed cancer in a thought-provoking piece, shedding light on the benefits of exercise for preventing 13 types of cancer based on extensive research. How Can Physical Exercise Lower the Risks of at Least 6 Types of Cancers?.

Additionally, I highlighted another inspiring story that might resonate with you: Why and How to Support Women in Tech and in Other Male-Dominated Sectors.

Dr. Yildiz recently discussed the harmful effects of hate speech on social platforms. As you may know, we don’t permit any detrimental content in our publications. ILLUMINATION Does NOT Publish Content with Defamation, Discrimination, and Hate Speech. You may glean valuable insights from his experience and perspectives. From Toxicity to Tolerance: Understanding the Causes of Hate Comments on NewsBreak vs Supportive Medium Community.

We recently released our new newsletter, which will be beneficial for new writers. We welcomed more new writers, so you may find their profiles at the conclusion of this post and consider exploring their narratives. March 2024: Monthly Updates from ILLUMINATION Editorial Team.

Our beloved ILLUMINATION turns four years old. Utilizing Aiden’s older video, I penned a lighthearted story using my amusing Aussie accent. Typically, I don’t communicate or write this way. I hope you enjoy it. Happy 4th Birthday, Beloved ILLUMINATION!.

I shared my thoughts on bulk suspensions. You might have heard that Medium suspended several accounts. We wrote a brief piece about it if you wish to learn more about the details. The Pain of Losing Substantial Subscribers in a Single Day. Dr. Yildiz shared his views on the suspension issue from multiple angles. His narrative made me more empathetic towards both parties involved. Having faced suspension myself a few weeks ago, I understand the pain it can cause. However, the platform must eliminate ineffective users. My Informed Perspectives on Recent Account Suspensions on Medium.

Aiden created an engaging YouTube video for ILLUMINATION-Gaming readers and writers, providing them with helpful boost guidelines. Video Presentation: Boost Guidelines for ILLUMINATION-Gaming.

In a special episode, I shared some boosted stories I read. Some readers enjoy exceptional pieces, so I include them here. Mike’s Favorite Stories on ILLUMINATION Publications — #64.

> Aiden explores the new stories, while I focus on older narratives to offer readers a nostalgic experience. I occasionally add a few recent ones from my daily reading, or sometimes editors prompt me to include exceptional stories. Each narrative is a gem worth your time. Feel free to engage and share on social media so these stories can reach a wider audience. I attempted to follow most writers I hadn’t encountered before, but the system limited me after a while. I learned that I can follow only 150 writers a day, so I’ll try again later.

Here is his latest piece, along with my friend’s link for anyone to read. He has already compiled 115 collections, consistently uncovering gems from hidden corners.

Look What Aiden Found Today — Episode #115

#### Favorite stories I read, plus community-nominated pieces tailored for avid readers of ILLUMINATION Publications on…

If you’re interested in boosting, Dr. Yildiz recently addressed frequently asked questions from writers and readers about the boost program on Medium, revealing several surprises for me as a writer and editor. I wish I had encountered such information a year ago. It’s no wonder none of my stories received boosts, which caused me to pause writing, but he offers us hope.

The Boost on Medium: Answering Most Frequently Asked Questions for Beginners

#### Since its inception, the Boost initiative has inspired writers. However, it remains in the pilot stage, and we…

As a boost nominator, Aiden highlights stories from frequently boosted writers. So far, he has completed four episodes and plans to post more, as they can be beneficial for new writers.

> Lessons Learned from Boosted Stories — Episode #1 > Lessons Learned from Boosted Stories — Episode #2 > Lessons Learned from Boosted Stories: Episode #3 > Lessons Learned from Boosted Stories: Episode #4

ILLUMINATION-Curators compiled our boosted stories. You may find exceptional narratives within this collection. Collection of Boosted Stories from ILLUMINATION Publications — V5. They also created a new Reader’s Club post featuring many great stories. ILLUMINATION Reading Club #9.

I found intriguing interviews with various writers and compiled them into a post for your convenience. They are captivating and full of valuable life lessons. Reading the Stories of 50+ Influential Writers Via Their Captivating Interviews Inspired Me.

Encouraging Non-Members to Join

You can check out this open letter from Dr. Mehmet Yildiz addressed to non-members. He observed that a significant number of readers and writers are not members, which hampers the platform's growth. I believe you will find his insights valuable and relatable.

An Authentic Open Letter to Non-Members

#### Articulating the value of membership for curious minds, avid readers, and seekers of global collaboration

To encourage non-members, I compiled all the boosted stories I read last month and shared my thoughts, including some common patterns in these exceptional narratives. There’s something for everyone, as these well-crafted stories span a variety of topics and writing styles. I Read 100+ Boosted Stories and Here’s What I Learned.

Introduction to New Writers

Now, let’s welcome the recent newcomers who joined us. Please explore their stories, and if they resonate with you, consider connecting with them. This presents a wonderful opportunity for writers and readers to meet and engage.

New writers, please review the onboarding pack in the attached introduction before submitting your stories. Images are vital, so kindly consult the image handling policy to avoid returns.

Announcement of 150+ New Writers Joining ILLUMINATION Today #36

#### A warm welcome and a brief acknowledgment of your acceptance into ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Writer applications can be submitted via our registration portal. Remember to include your Medium account ID.

Get notified whenever Mike Broadly, DHSc publishes.

If you wish to explore more of my life lessons, I have compiled the links in a list to make it easier for you to access. Your feedback is invaluable to me.

Lessons Learned from My Personal Stories

#### Edit description