Enhance Your Coding Experience with These 7 VS Code Extensions

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Developer with coding tools

A developer treasures their tools much like a soldier values their weaponry. An integrated development environment (IDE) serves as a crucial asset for developers. Just as a soldier must keep their weapon finely tuned, developers must enhance their IDE. Visual Studio Code (VSCode) stands out as an exceptional tool for this purpose.

This article continues a series dedicated to remarkable VS Code extensions, presenting a curated selection of seven plugins designed to support your development journey.

  1. SQLTools
SQLTools extension screenshot

With over 1.8 million installations, SQLTools is among the most popular extensions. As its name suggests, it specializes in database management, offering features like connection exploration, query execution, IntelliSense, bookmarks, and query history. It supports a variety of drivers, including AWS Redshift, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

SQLTools - Visual Studio Marketplace

Database management made easy. Explore connections, run queries, and more.

  1. Blockman
Blockman extension screenshot

Blockman addresses the challenges of nested code, which can become overwhelming in extensive projects. This extension highlights nested code blocks and allows users to blacklist certain file types. With over 74,000 installations and a rating of 4.5, it’s a valuable addition to your toolkit.

Blockman - Highlight Nested Code Blocks - Visual Studio Marketplace

Mark and highlight code blocks efficiently.

  1. Data Preview
Data Preview extension screenshot

Data Preview assists in managing various data formats, allowing users to import, view, manipulate, and export data seamlessly. It supports numerous file types, including large .json, .csv, and .env files. The extension boasts features like grid data summaries and basic charting, with over 290,000 installations.

Data Preview - Visual Studio Marketplace

Import, view, and export diverse data types easily.

  1. gitignore Generator
gitignore Generator extension screenshot

This extension simplifies the creation and management of .gitignore files, essential for any project. It includes user-defined rules and supports multi-folder workspaces. With more than 150,000 installations and a perfect rating of 5, it is an indispensable tool.

gitignore generator - Visual Studio Marketplace

Easily generate and manage your .gitignore file.

  1. Python Indent
Python Indent extension screenshot

With over 2 million installations, Python Indent is crucial for maintaining code quality through proper indentation, which is particularly vital in Python programming. This extension automatically adjusts indentation levels as you code, making it easier to write clean and organized Python scripts.

Python Indent - Visual Studio Marketplace

Ensure correct indentation in your Python code effortlessly.

  1. Code Coverage
Code Coverage extension screenshot

Testing is a critical phase in software development, ensuring your application is robust. Code Coverage highlights lines of code lacking test coverage and displays uncovered lines in the problems window, while also showing coverage ratios in the status bar. This extension has been installed over 72,000 times and holds a rating of 5.

Code Coverage - Visual Studio Marketplace

Identify untested lines of code and improve your testing strategy.

  1. Azure App Service
Azure App Service extension screenshot

Azure App Service is a fully-managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) that simplifies the deployment and scaling of web, mobile, and API applications. This extension facilitates the swift creation, management, and deployment of your sites, with over 1 million installations and a rating of 4.

Azure App Service - Visual Studio Marketplace

Deploy and scale your applications effortlessly with Azure.

Where is the other part? There are numerous outstanding VS Code extensions available. I aim to share as many as possible to enhance your development experience.

For more excellent VS Code extensions, check out the following links:

  • 10 Useful VS Code Extensions to Make Life Easier

    A reliable IDE is crucial for developers, and great extensions enhance its functionality.

  • 10 Useful VS Code Extensions to Make Life Easier - Part 2

    Sharpen your coding tools.

  • 10 Useful VS Code Extensions to Make Life Easier - Part 3

    Enhance your coding arsenal.

  • 10 Useful VS Code Extensions to Make Life Easier - Part 4

    Refine your tools for better performance.

  • 10 Useful VS Code Extensions to Make Life Easier - Part 5

    Empower your coding toolkit.

  • 7 Useful VS Code Extensions to Make Life Easier - Part 6

    Strengthen your coding capabilities.

That concludes today’s overview. I hope these extensions will significantly ease your development process. If you have other valuable VSCode extensions to recommend, please share them in the comments. Until next time, happy coding!

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