Exploring the Intersection of Art, Technology, and Self-Discovery

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In this episode of Titus Talks, we welcome the talented duo, Genefer Baxter and Marco Locatelli, both Berlin-based artists and innovators in the realm of art and technology. As co-founders of Aula Future, an interdisciplinary research initiative, they explore the dynamic interface of science, art, and education.

Genefer brings her expertise in new media and immersive art experiences, having curated numerous projects in Berlin that engage participants with technology. Marco, trained in product design and nanotechnology at the Polytechnic University of Milan, has spent years mastering 3D platforms and creating both digital and physical immersive experiences. Their collaboration blossomed during their residency at the Science Center in Philadelphia in 2019, where they began to merge artistic expression with scientific inquiry.

In our discussion, they share insights into the vibrant creative synergy found at the convergence of art, technology, and education. Amidst laughter about quirky skydiving anecdotes and peculiar stick bugs, they emphasize the importance of allowing oneself to get a bit lost in the creative process while maintaining focus on one's core values and impact.

Genefer’s advice resonates with many: "Embrace the journey of getting lost, but always find your way back to what truly matters."

Tell Us a Story:

Gen: "This question hits close to home; it’s like an identity crisis. What story should I share? What defines me? It's challenging to choose the right narrative."

Marco: "I was in Australia for an exchange year at 17, and it was quite the experience. I didn’t speak much English at the time. The first night, exhausted and jet-lagged, I went to sleep and was awoken by a large stick bug. It felt like a strange welcome from the local wildlife!"

Gen: "What a wild introduction! And you shared a moment with it?"

Marco: "I panicked and ended up killing it. I felt terrible afterward!"

Gen: "That’s a memorable story, but not quite the welcome most hope for!"

Marco: "True! But it was definitely an icebreaker."

Gen: "I have my own story from Hawaii. I thought I’d try skydiving to embrace the adventure. But in the chaos of preparing to jump, I realized I had the rental car keys in my pocket when my partner asked for them after we landed. Quite the disaster!"

Marco: "You’ve got to be careful with those keys!"

Who are you and what are you doing with your life?

Marco: "The existential questions are always the hardest!"

Gen: "When I moved to Berlin in 2017, it was with the intent of immersing myself in the art world. I envisioned hosting a women’s art festival. Meeting Marco led us into deep discussions about art’s purpose and flaws."

Marco: "I had pursued engineering but felt drawn to art. My initial experiences in galleries left me feeling disenchanted with the art system, leading to a desire for more authentic engagement."

Gen: "We both seek to redefine how audiences interact with art. Instead of traditional presentations, we want art to be a lively, engaging experience."

Marco: "Our first event, 'Nature in Binary,' was a simple yet profound exploration of nature through technology, illustrating our vision."

Gen: "The execution may not have matched our vision, but the excitement it generated was palpable. It was our first step into a larger world of creativity, leading us to discover creative coding and interactive art."

What advice do you have for us?

Gen: "Stay true to your vision and values amidst the chaos of discovery. It’s easy to get swept away in the excitement, but always return to your core purpose."

Marco: "Incorporate art into your thought process. Art is not confined to visuals; it’s about personal exploration and the pursuit of knowledge. Everyone can learn to appreciate and engage with art, making it a powerful tool for connection."

Gen: "Absolutely! It's about finding that balance between individual expression and community interaction."

Marco: "And remember, art is everywhere. You just have to look for it."

This episode is a testament to the dynamic interplay of creativity, technology, and personal growth. Join us in exploring these themes further as we celebrate the incredible contributions of artists like Genefer and Marco.

Listen to the full episode and follow along to meet the rest of our incredible guests in Season 2:

Titus Talks:

Follow along with hosts Alexander Titus and Kathryn Hamilton as they delve into a wide range of topics, celebrating the intersection of art, science, and technology.

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