Exploring My Journey in Search Engine Optimization

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Thoughts on SEO: A Continuous Learning Process

My journey as a writer is driven by confidence, stemming from my solid writing skills. While I don’t claim to be perfect, I consistently convey my expertise in my niche and maintain a professional writing style. A key aspect of my growth has been my emergence as a content expert in family engagement, shaped by my education, professional experiences, and ongoing research.

Nevertheless, I face a significant challenge. As I aspire to enhance my writing and expand my audience, I grapple with a major limitation.

I have been striving to grasp the intricacies of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Initially, I believed it was solely about incorporating high-ranking keywords, which prompted me to be more intentional with my headlines and tags. However, despite my efforts to refine my headlines and utilize frequently searched terms on Google, I have not seen meaningful growth in my performance metrics. My articles remain largely unseen by readers on Medium and beyond.

Rather than succumbing to frustration or lamenting the shortcomings of Medium's algorithms, I have reached an important realization. SEO is far more complex than simply using popular keywords in my titles.

To deepen my understanding of SEO, I've immersed myself in professional resources, experimented with various online tools, and watched informative videos. This exploration has made me aware of the shortcomings in my previously published Medium articles.

Becoming an SEO Problem Solver

Addressing my low performance statistics is no simple task, and I have taken several steps toward resolving this issue:

  1. Accepting the reality of my writing situation was the first step. I recognize that while I may not be flawless, I am indeed a capable writer. My content addresses real relational issues within educational and family contexts. At times, I felt discouraged, believing my work lacked popularity and visibility. However, my belief in my role as a family engagement influencer kept me motivated to persevere.
  2. The next phase of my journey involves confidence in my efforts. I consistently follow best practices, produce quality work, write regularly, and engage with other writers. Despite having over 81,000 followers, my statistics have stagnated. I reached out to the Medium Help Center, suspecting that there might be underlying issues affecting my visibility. Their assistance has been reassuring, but my frustrations extend beyond Medium, as much of my work remains difficult to discover.
  3. Tackling my challenges as a Medium writer parallels the problem-solving approaches I utilize in other areas of my life. Self-advocacy has become crucial. While I seek support from others, I understand that I must champion my own cause. My pursuit of SEO knowledge has expanded through various educational resources, including free Google SEO tools. One such tool allowed me to conduct an audit of my Medium profile, revealing both the strengths and weaknesses of my writing strategies. Although I won’t disclose specific personal findings, one important insight is relevant to all writers.

By following these three steps, I believe my understanding of SEO will grow, ultimately leading to an improvement in my statistics.

Key Insights Gained About SEO

Armed with newfound knowledge about SEO, I want to share some critical insights that emerged from my strategies for addressing low performance metrics. Writing is a passion for me, but my primary aim is to create content that resonates with my target audience.

As previously mentioned, utilizing strong keywords in titles is essential, and I believe this is well understood by writers familiar with SEO basics. However, this alone does not guarantee enhanced visibility for your content.

Importantly, the potential power of your headline can significantly enhance your visibility. Here’s a breakdown of effective practices:

  1. Use Header 1 for Headlines: The best practice for story headlines is to use the largest available font, known as header 1 or <h1>. This attracts more traffic from search engine algorithms, especially when combined with strategic keywords. I previously adhered to this guideline without understanding its SEO implications.
  2. Limit Headers: Each published story should have only one header 1. Employing this font for subtitles can confuse algorithms, hindering broader circulation. My misunderstanding in this area has contributed to my lower stats. I often preferred header 1 for subtitles, believing it enhanced visibility, but I am now revising my stories to utilize header 2 appropriately.
  3. Short-Form Posts: Recent insights from Dr. Mehmet Yildiz highlight that short-form posts struggle to achieve desired success. My SEO knowledge suggests these types of stories do not reach far enough, prompting me to discontinue them in favor of more impactful content.
  4. Use Header 3 for Subtitles: To effectively extend your content's reach, utilize header 3 where appropriate. The lack of a header 3 option on Medium raises questions about the platform's impact on writers' performance metrics.
  5. Headlines as Structural Elements: Beyond their SEO function, headlines provide essential context for readers, making content more digestible. Well-structured writing attracts more readership, positively influencing performance stats.
  6. Questioning the Kicker: I now ponder the necessity of the kicker above headlines, as headlines should suffice in capturing reader interest. This practice may disrupt SEO flow, raising questions about its relevance as an SEO strategy.
  7. Headline Length: Best practices suggest that headlines should range between 30 to 60 characters, rather than limiting them to eight words.
  8. Keyword Alignment: High-ranking keywords and tags should mirror those in header 1. The SEO description (meta description) allows writers to promote their work by integrating these keywords, driving more traffic to their content.

I hope these insights assist you in navigating your own SEO challenges.

Remaining Questions

Despite my advancements in SEO knowledge, I still grapple with several questions:

  • If only one header 2 should be used to optimize reach, what plans does Medium have for introducing a header 3 option?
  • If story headlines drive traffic, why does Medium allow short-form posts or kickers?
  • Does Medium defy SEO best practices, favoring popular but less impactful writers?

Have these reflections prompted you to consider your own SEO questions?

Final Reflections on SEO

My role as a content writer on Medium complements my mission as a family engagement influencer for two significant reasons:

  1. It amplifies my voice and furthers my mission of fostering family engagement in education and home environments.
  2. Writing establishes my credibility as an expert in my field.

I remain dedicated to ongoing growth and exploration of SEO's potential. My commitment extends beyond understanding headlines and titles; I aim to learn about every aspect of SEO.

Thus, my journey to master the full potential of SEO and translate it into effective practices continues.

Thank you for engaging with this exploration of SEO, which may have seemed intricate at first glance. I hope my insights support your writing endeavors.

Do you have additional insights to share about SEO? Join the conversation by commenting below!

Ignite Family Engagement with Dr. Deborah M. Vereen

Welcome to the "Ignite Family Engagement Channel". My mission reflects all of my efforts to ignite family engagement in education and home settings.

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