Exploring the Peculiar Nature of Magnetism

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Understanding the behaviors of magnetism has garnered attention in recent research, shedding light on its unusual properties and how it influences Earth, our galaxy, and the universe at large.

NGC 1097

According to physicist Hannes Alfvén, to grasp the phenomena occurring in specific plasma regions, it is crucial to analyze not only the magnetic fields but also the electric fields and currents present. The universe is interwoven with a web of currents that transport energy and momentum over vast distances, often coalescing into filamentary or surface currents, which can create a cellular structure in interstellar and intergalactic spaces.

Focusing on Earth's magnetic field, we recognize that it is generated by the movements within the Earth’s core. Our planet operates like a machine, functioning as an electromagnetic dynamo driven by magnetism and powered by electricity, resulting in a robust magnetic field.

In our quest to discover extraterrestrial life, we find that many Earth-like planets near their stars lack sufficient heat or energy. Some planets are either too far or too close to their suns, while others, like Earth, possess the right conditions but have no magnetic field, rendering them inhospitable to life.

Researchers from the Universities of Leeds and Chicago have investigated the dynamics of fluids that conduct electricity. Their findings suggest that Earth’s magnetization occurred either prior to or as a result of a significant collision.

The geodynamo, a rotating fluid in the outer core capable of conducting electricity, sustains Earth's magnetic field. These core movements can continuously alter their direction of rotation.

South Atlantic Anomaly

Notably, certain areas of Earth, such as the South Atlantic Anomaly, exhibit a weakened magnetic field. However, studies indicate that this weakness is temporary and not indicative of an impending new cycle. The behavior of Earth's dynamo is such that it prevents the magnetic field from gradually weakening in these areas. Professor Fausto Cattaneo from the University of Chicago noted:

> "A peculiar property of the Earth’s dynamo is that it can maintain a strong magnetic field but not amplify a weak one."

How is it that our magnetic field remains so potent? The answers may lie in the historical interactions between Earth and the Moon. Professor Cattaneo stated:

> "This remarkable feature allows us to make deductions about the history of the early Earth, including possibly how the Moon was formed. And if that is true, then we must consider the origins of Earth’s magnetic field."

Proto-Earth impact illustration

These insights imply that the strange characteristics of the magnetic field may stem from a collision with Theia during the Earth-Moon formation. This collision could have triggered movements in the outer core or altered pre-existing movements, leading to the magnetic behaviors we observe today.

> "Any realistic model of the formation of the Earth-Moon system must include magnetic field evolution." — Professor Fausto Cattaneo

Published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, this research emphasizes that magnetism not only possesses unique traits but also plays a vital role in electrically charged objects and galaxies.

Various galaxies

With trillions of galaxies in the universe, it's widely accepted that gravity facilitates the formation of these structures. However, recent findings suggest gravity alone cannot account for everything. The roles of dark matter and energy have also come to the forefront. While gravity is inherently weak, it has a significant reach. Magnetism, conversely, only affects charged objects, but during the universe's opaque early state, it likely played a critical role. Hannes Alfvén emphasized this notion.

Additionally, scientists have long recognized that hydrogen gas within galaxy clusters reaches approximately 10 million degrees Kelvin. At these temperatures, hydrogen atoms cannot remain stable, resulting instead in a plasma of protons and electrons. The persistence of this hot plasma, even in the spaces between galaxy clusters, poses intriguing questions.

SOFIA telescope

NASA’s SOFIA telescope is among the tools analyzing magnetism in space, utilizing an airplane to reach specific altitudes. A pivotal observation from five years ago revealed a spiral magnetic field in the spiral galaxy NGC 1068, challenging classical physics, which suggested such a phenomenon was impossible without strong magnetism.

Repeated observations of various spiral galaxies yielded similar results: the presence of spiral magnetic fields across the board, supporting the density wave theory explaining the iconic spiral shapes.

The question remains whether magnetism induced the spiral formation or if the galaxies were already spiraling, with magnetism adapting accordingly.

The peculiarities of magnetism extend further, influencing supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies.

Supermassive black holes

Supermassive black holes at galactic centers play a role in the galaxies' decline by consuming surrounding dust and gas, leaving insufficient material for new star formation. Gravity alone cannot account for this material transfer. Research utilizing NASA’s SOFIA telescope to map magnetic fields in the NGC 1097 galaxy revealed that these fields guide dust and gas toward the supermassive black hole.

Published in The Astrophysical Journal, this research confirms that magnetic fields, alongside gravity, contribute to how black holes consume material within their galaxies.

So, does magnetism possess more strength than previously thought?

Laser experiments

To further investigate these unusual magnetic behaviors, scientists at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) sought to recreate these conditions, albeit for a fraction of a second. Collaborating researchers from the University of Chicago, University of Oxford, and University of Rochester focused 196 lasers on a minuscule target, generating a white-hot plasma with intense magnetic fields for a brief moment.

Subsequent computer simulations revealed that magnetism behaves unexpectedly in turbulent, magnetized plasma, exhibiting greater strength than anticipated.

> "The simulations were key to untangling the physics at play in the turbulent, magnetized plasma, but the level of thermal transport suppression was beyond what we expected."

This research was published in Science Advances.

Could magnetism, potentially potent in the early universe, be what we currently refer to as dark matter? It raises the possibility that we might overlook something fundamental. Regardless, these studies illustrate that we significantly underestimate the power of magnetism.

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  1. Fausto Cattaneo, David W. Hughes. How was the Earth–Moon system formed? New insights from the geodynamo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022; 119 (44) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2120682119
  2. Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez et al. Extragalactic Magnetism with SOFIA (Legacy Program) – II: A Magnetically Driven Flow in the Starburst Ring of NGC 1097 – The Astrophysical Journal (2021). DOI: 10.3847/1538–4357/ac2e01
  3. Jena Meinecke et al. Strong suppression of heat conduction in a laboratory replica of galaxy-cluster turbulent plasmas, Science Advances (2022). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj6799