Exploring Time Travel: Insights from the Traveler ?.60022907 Series

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Time Traveler ?.60022907 Series (#6?)

Have You Been Drinking or Thinking? It's Been a While!

Previously, I suggested we steer clear of discussing your DNA and heritage, as it's a topic best approached with a drink in hand. However, let's dive into it now, because pondering this matter will undoubtedly expand your thoughts and might require even more drinks to digest.

Scheduled Release: 2022-Sep-19, 01:33 GMT-7

Allow me to introduce the (Time) Traveler ?.60022907 Series, which you may not have encountered yet. Each entry will be shared across five distinct platforms:

  • Imaginative Fiction Out There — the inaugural story;
  • BMG Productions — detailing various junctures;
  • ScTech publication — elucidating the physics involved;
  • IzThatSo publication — addressing the legalities of dimensional travel; and
  • Graham D. Cooke’s Medium profile.

Note: To identify your current publication, simply glance at the top. Each should be distinct, and if no publication is noted, you’re with Graham.

Traveler ?.60022907’s Time Isolation Matrix Scroller (TIMS)

So, if you find yourself without a publication, fret not, for Graham is always ready with refreshments: coffee, tea, or perhaps something stronger, as he often inquires.

Take a seat and let’s have a meaningful conversation.

Gobble, gobble; are you with me?

Are you ready, witches, with your pumpkin spice lattes or mulled cider? Choose your beverage wisely, as the next segment is a wild ride.

This entry unfolds yet another exhilarating tale from the Traveler series, detailing the adventures of 60022907, all meticulously documented for future reference and his past selves, each adeptly navigating through various listed junctures.

Signature Estimated Repeat Time (SERT) …?

(Which juncture will you choose?) 2 / 2 / 3 min

My Past Self — A Glimpse into Me

Now, let’s present some fresh insights.

My Future Self — A Peek Ahead

Remember this: each version of myself will share a glimpse of my journey, from a once-ordinary person to an NFG, ultimately evolving into a familiar face.

If you're curious to know more about me, you can explore:

About Me


Continuing the Conversation …

Transitioning Between Junctures is Challenging

If you’ve navigated the various junctures, perhaps by reading logs or experiencing transitions firsthand, you may grasp the nuances of these journeys.

Two essential prior components have already been documented. Bring yourself up to speed by reviewing:

  • Moving Forward… Keep It Up. (the most recent entry);
  • Step Forward, Please; Keep it Moving. — the initial incident.

Personal Log (from Traveler ?.60022907 NFG & NPN — me)

Are you up to date? Great! Let’s delve into the pressing topic at hand: DNA and its relationship with the junctures.

NFG successfully navigated a juncture without becoming SOL, which is why this discussion is crucial now.

Understanding inter-dimensional travel is vital since many equate it with "time travel." It refers to transitions across the infinite layers of the multiverse.

To avoid being caught in a liminal space between universes, one must transition directly through boundary layers, which can be bewildering for newcomers.

Reflecting on this, a thought strikes me:

Activity Log: Traveler ?.60022907 NPN

I notice another version of myself — a Time Traveler ?.60022907 — has been intruding. What should I do? Sync up? Not possible without a bar code yet…

C'mon, inform me of the code, and I’ll hack it myself.

The equipment is on the spare desk: laser, 80x magnifier, grid guide, etching tools, ink, and more. What else do I require?

Laser Power Setting? Mine ranges from 100mW to 50W, with adjustable beam widths and colors — infrared, UV, green, or blue — you name it.

Is it my ink supply? I’m not a tattoo artist, but I can manage it.

I must sync up for subcutaneous matching in our three spots.

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