# A Hilarious Take on Scientific Research Translations

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Understanding Scientific Jargon

In today's world, misinformation can spread like wildfire, leading many to believe some outrageous claims. For instance, over 30% of American adults reportedly think that COVID-19 is transmitted through 5G networks. I just made that up, but it sounds almost as believable as some of the absurd ideas circulating today. The unfortunate blend of scientific ignorance and rampant disinformation (COUGH — OANN NEWS — COUGH) doesn’t help matters.

Moreover, scientists often don't aid their cause. Their writing can resemble that of a newly self-aware robot attempting to express its feelings through the intricacies of quantum physics. Think of it as an episode of The Big Bang Theory in written form.

To assist, I, a trained scientist who has also gained self-awareness, will simplify the complex scientific jargon found in some of the latest research articles.

Scientist humor about research translations

Recent Research Translations

  1. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Esterified and Acylated Derivatives of NH2-(AEEA)5-Amphotericin B (The Journal of Antibiotics)

    We created something that prevents your nether regions from resembling a breadbox. Don’t let the title mislead you; this will work for anyone, not just Ester.

Research on antibiotics for health
  1. Porphyromonas Gingivalis Fimbrial Protein Mfa5 Contains a Von Willebrand Factor Domain and an Intramolecular Isopeptide (Communications Biology)

    We’ve dedicated years to examining a part of a protein linked to a bacterium responsible for gum disease. Researchers might claim their work is essential for molecular biology advancements, much like I used to describe my research on brain recovery after injury. My ex-wife liked to joke that I was a professional killer.

Protein study related to gum health
  1. Transdisciplinary Participatory-Action-Research from Questions to Actionable Knowledge for Sustainable Viticulture Development (Humanities and Social Sciences Communications)

    Vineyard owners are often viewed as pretentious individuals ruining the neighborhood, and we definitely informed them of this. This study included the phrase: “The epistemological framework of this research promotes consensus-building by valuing complexity and dissensus in knowledge and reasoning such that all actors are involved in experimentation and the production of results.” Seriously? Who talks like that?

Research on sustainable viticulture
  1. Longitudinal Touchscreen Use Across Early Development is Associated with Faster Exogenous and Reduced Endogenous Attention Control (Scientific Reports)

    Little ones who spend too much time on touchscreens tend to get distracted more easily. Sponsored by the National Institute of No Duh.

Study on touchscreen use in toddlers
  1. Large Flux-Mediated Coupling in Hybrid Electromechanical System with a Transmon Qubit (Communications Physics)

    This one might relate to Q*bert's gender identity? I never took physics, and honestly, this is the first time I regret that decision, but I’m okay with it.

Electromechanical systems research
  1. Bioinspired Acousto-Magnetic Microswarm Robots with Upstream Motility (Nature Machine Intelligence)

    We’ve developed robot sperm. Thank goodness! Now my robot-themed entertainment can have a more realistic twist. Just a heads-up: they will be dominating soon. fn3KWM1kuAw

Conclusion: Impress Your Friends!

Now you're equipped to dazzle your friends with your grasp of the latest scientific discoveries. If they inquire further, just echo the common phrase at the end of every research paper: “It is evident that much additional work is necessary for a complete understanding.” Translated, that means: “I have no clue.”