<The Internet Fight Club: Why We Must Stop Engaging Online Fights>

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“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” ~Maya Angelou

In the realm of the Internet, particularly when it comes to the entertaining #BossBitchFightClub, it seems that engaging in online conflicts rarely yields positive outcomes. But why is it so difficult to simply scroll past contentious posts?

The Internet is rife with misinformation, from Holocaust denial to flat Earth theories. Sadly, ignorance flourishes online. While there are genuine conspiracies, one of the most troubling is the widespread acceptance of falsehoods.

I genuinely want to scroll past these discussions, but the ongoing global pandemic makes it nearly impossible. Especially when the spread of misinformation can have dire consequences for real lives. Witnessing individuals dismiss critical facts because they don't align with their personal narratives is disheartening.

Interestingly, those most prone to disseminating conspiracy theories often insist that we should never question religious texts. On the other hand, some firmly believe in the healing properties of crystals or essential oils, despite a lack of scientific backing. Yet, no one seems prepared to dive into this topic.

I see no issue with faith or genuine inquiry. Faith holds significant value, but we must also remain skeptical. The rise of unfounded theories, particularly surrounding Covid-19, illustrates a troubling trend: we often trust anonymous online voices with dubious credentials over the expertise of qualified professionals.

This issue extends beyond the pandemic. Many react similarly to social justice posts, encountering racist or misogynistic sentiments or individuals denying their privilege. Outrage compels us to stop, challenge, and present the truth.

My difficulty in scrolling past contentious content likely stems from my past marriage, where my extensive education and qualifications were often undermined by my partner in favor of more convenient online opinions. Despite being a licensed counselor, he chose to follow the advice of a random YouTuber over my professional insights.

We never sought counseling, as my ex believed he had all the answers from this online source. Years later, I find it ironic when he references his new wife's opinions as authoritative. Yet, I'm still not ready to engage in that conversation.

When we start valuing dubious online opinions over the informed perspectives of experts, we face a real crisis.

It's crucial to trust professionals—not unconditionally, but thoughtfully. I’m not an expert in public health or pandemics, so when specialists provide guidelines, I pay heed. As we gain more knowledge, we should adapt our views accordingly, rather than dismissing new insights simply because they contradict our biases.

This is where diligent fact-checking becomes essential. The prevalence of fake news complicates our ability to discern truth from agenda-driven rhetoric. Here are some strategies for effectively questioning authority while respecting expertise:

  1. Verify the Source: Always examine the website’s credibility. If it has a politically charged name, that's a warning sign. Does it uphold rigorous journalism standards or disregard factual accuracy?
  2. Seek a Second Opinion: If something seems off in one source, consult multiple others, prioritizing reputable, peer-reviewed sites. Engaging with those who experience social injustices can also provide valuable perspectives.
  3. Remove Personal Bias: Personally, I lean left and often find myself drawn to liberal media. However, I strive to verify claims, especially when they align with my beliefs. I seek facts rather than simply confirming my biases.
  4. Use Common Sense: While I may not be in a high-risk category for severe Covid-19 complications, it's vital to recognize that exposure can still pose risks. Practicing common sense means taking precautions to protect myself and others, rather than succumbing to panic.
  5. Understand the Scientific Method: Many grasp the initial questioning phase but skip to conclusions based on unfounded sources. Familiarizing ourselves with the scientific method is crucial for anyone seeking to challenge assumptions responsibly.

I strive to find a balance in my approach to scrolling through social media. I often exercise compassion for others, recognizing that I, too, once held misguided beliefs due to persuasive agendas.

However, I’ve moved beyond simply accepting unfounded claims. My education in research and statistics has equipped me with the tools to distinguish valid information from nonsense. It’s essential to question everything and pursue facts, especially when our desires to believe can cloud our judgment.

I wish Covid-19 were a mere fabrication; it has affected my life profoundly. Yet, wishing does not alter reality. We face a global pandemic, making it challenging to ignore falsehoods that could jeopardize health.

Misinformation can shape people's choices and attitudes, influencing everything from health decisions to voting behavior. Therefore, it’s crucial to engage thoughtfully when we see lies proliferating online. Our words carry weight, and we bear the responsibility to speak out against falsehoods.

That said, I need to reconsider how I label those who promote unfounded conspiracy theories. While it may feel true, calling them 'dumb' isn't constructive. Perhaps agreeing to disagree is the more graceful approach, rather than engaging in futile arguments.

People who prioritize opinion over fact won't likely change their views based on the truth I share, regardless of its depth or origin. I find myself yelling into a void that continues to circulate narratives that fit their agendas. Engaging in the Internet Fight Club seldom leads to resolution.

Reflecting on my past, I recognize my own indoctrination and feel embarrassed by the claims I once made. Now, equipped with knowledge, I aim to respond with kindness when I encounter others clinging to misguided beliefs.

Time is invaluable, and I refuse to waste mine. I will embrace the technological, scientific, and medical advancements that past generations lacked during their crises. I will champion truth over comforting falsehoods and, hopefully, find a way to choose kindness while continuing to scroll.