Unlock Your Path to Becoming a JavaScript Full-Stack Developer

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Recently, I've received numerous inquiries, primarily from recent graduates entering the coding realm. The common themes revolve around how to enhance their skills swiftly, how to embark on a journey as a Full-Stack Developer, and how to select a career path.

While I endeavor to respond to each query individually, I decided to consolidate my experiences into a structured roadmap for becoming a Full-Stack Engineer that I wish to share.

Stage 1 — HTML

Before diving into any programming language, mastering the fundamentals of HTML is crucial. A great resource is the tutorial available at W3Schools, which covers both basic and advanced topics.

Stage 2 — CSS (Grid, Flex)

With your HTML foundation set, the next step is to learn CSS for styling your website. W3Schools offers an excellent tutorial for this purpose.

Stage 3 — JavaScript + DOM

It's time to delve into JavaScript, one of the most widely used programming languages globally. You can utilize another W3Schools tutorial for this. Additionally, I have an article that focuses on learning advanced JavaScript through Gamification:


Stage 4 — Node.js

Node.js is a robust platform based on JavaScript, built on Google Chrome’s V8 Engine. It offers a non-blocking (asynchronous) I/O model and is cross-platform, making it ideal for developing scalable server-side applications.

Begin by downloading and installing the latest version of Node for your operating system from This step is essential for your growth as a JavaScript (TypeScript) developer. Following that, familiarize yourself with their introductory material to grasp the basics of Node.js.

Before progressing, it's vital to understand the npm ecosystem. Consider these questions as you prepare to start with React: - What is NPM? - How can I install a package? - What is package.json? - What should I do if I need package XX?

Stage 5 — React

Once you're comfortable with JavaScript (and perhaps TypeScript), you should focus on React, which ranks as the most popular framework based on data from

Mastering React requires time, given its various concepts critical for development. I recommend sequentially working through the following lists before advancing to MySQL:

Basics 1. Understanding React 2. Setting Up Your Development Environment 3. JSX 4. Components 5. State Management 6. Props 7. Lists/Keys 8. Lifecycle Methods

Advanced React Concepts 1. Styling 2. Form Handling 3. Data Management 4. Reconciliation Process 5. Hooks 6. Custom Hooks 7. Context API

Mastering React 1. Lazy Loading 2. Portals 3. State Management Techniques 4. Routing 5. Theming 6. Design Patterns 7. Anti-Patterns

Stage 6 — MySQL

After mastering JavaScript and React to create attractive websites, the next step is learning to handle persistent data. This is typically achieved by connecting to a database like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite.

For simplicity, I recommend starting with MySQL over PostgreSQL!

As a developer, familiarity with MySQL is essential, as it suits both small and large applications. A W3Schools tutorial is an excellent resource to learn the fundamentals of MySQL queries you may encounter in various applications.

Understanding database design is more crucial than merely knowing queries, as you will later utilize Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) techniques that simplify querying. Grasping database normalization is vital for working with relational databases!

Stage 7 — MongoDB

In contrast to MySQL, MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that employs JSON-like documents with optional schemas for data storage.

Get acquainted with NoSQL database design and ensure you understand its principles.

Stage 8 — The CRUD Pattern

When dealing with persistent data, grasping the CRUD pattern is essential. CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete, representing the four fundamental operations for managing persistent data. A brief overview on Wikipedia should suffice.

Stage 9 — ORM And ODM

ORM, or Object-Relational Mapping, and ODM, or Object Document Mapper, are techniques used to query and manipulate database data through an object-oriented approach.

Often, discussions about ORM or ODM relate to libraries that implement these techniques.

You should aim to learn at least one of the following libraries that support both database technologies: - TypeOrm (for SQL and NoSQL) - Prisma (for SQL and MongoDB) - Mongoose (for MongoDB only) - Typegoose (Mongoose for TypeScript) - Knex.js (for SQL) - Sequelize (for SQL)

I personally recommend learning both TypeOrm and Prisma!

Stage 10 — Build Side Projects To Gain Experience

Now that you have a solid grasp of a programming language, a framework, and database usage, it's time to start building projects. This stage is crucial for becoming a Full-Stack Developer, as tutorials often do not present the real-world challenges you will encounter in your projects.

Here are a few project ideas: - Goal Tracking App: A simple app that tracks personal goals, saving them in a database and displaying them attractively on the frontend. - Clone A Website: Choose a website you admire and attempt to replicate it. Analyze its content and functionality, then implement those features in your own version. - Developer Portfolio: An essential project to create is your portfolio, which serves as a representation of your skills. When applying for jobs, a polished portfolio website showcases your abilities effectively.

For inspiration, check out this resource:


Stage 11 — Deploy Your Side Project

The final stage involves deploying your project on a server. This step is crucial, as a Full-Stack Developer must know how to deploy applications in a production environment.

I recommend learning about Docker and its applications for hosting various websites. As a starting point, you can explore my introduction to Docker here. If you're already familiar with Docker, you may find this article helpful, detailing how to deploy Traefik (a load balancer) that automatically creates SSL certificates for services hosted on your server.

If you've grasped both articles, you can check out this one:


This article explains how to deploy a simple website within a Docker environment equipped with Traefik.

Congratulations, you can now call yourself a Full Stack Developer!

Closing Notes

I hope these resources assist you on your journey to becoming a Full Stack Developer. If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas, please feel free to share them below. I'll do my best to respond.

Writing has always been a passion of mine, and I find joy in helping and inspiring others.

Connect with me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and GitHub!

This article was initially published on my blog at

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