Karma's Infinite Power: Embracing the Cycle of Actions

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To every action, there is a reaction.

Life, much like day and night, embodies a natural balance. Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly keeping score—a ledger of our deeds. What does your record look like, and what significance does it hold?

Karma: The energy produced by an individual's actions, regarded in Hinduism and Buddhism as influencing future reincarnations and determining the character of a person's next life.

— Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Although intangible, karma is ever-present. It keeps track of us and those around us, including friends and foes alike. No one is exempt. This cosmic force is intricately woven into our existence, acting as a guardian of balance in humanity.

The Action

A few years back, I visited a Dollar Tree late one night for snacks. As I approached the entrance, I spotted an elderly man with a worn shopping cart and two lean dogs resting by him. He was searching through a trash bin. One of the dogs turned to me, its ears back, tail wagging gently, and gave me a soulful look.

A wave of complicated emotions washed over me as I continued into the store.

I was fortunate.

How blessed I was to be purchasing candy and heading home to relax with a movie! I collected my candy but found myself adding more items—chips, soda, dog treats, socks, canned peaches, beef jerky, trail mix, cheese sticks, and Lunchables. At checkout, I requested that my candy be packed separately.

As I exited the store, I returned to the old man still bent over the trash. His weary shoulders slumped, his hair and beard as white as clouds, and dirt streaked across his face.

For a fleeting moment, he reminded me of Santa Claus. Silly, perhaps.

I leaned down, offering him the bag of food, saying, “This is for you.” He looked up, surprised, took the bag gently, and opened it. A tear streamed down his cheek, cutting through the grime.

I hurried back to my car, candy in hand, and noticed tears in my own eyes.

Though my finances were limited, that night I gave freely from my heart to someone truly in need. I watched him smile as he pulled out the dog biscuits, beaming at the thought of treating his furry companions. Before even eating what I provided, his first instinct was to share.

The Reaction

The following week, I found myself in line at a grocery store near that same Dollar Tree. I had about fifteen items. Finances were tight, and I felt exhausted and hungry, eager to return home and prepare dinner.

The cashier finished bagging my groceries, and I handed her my debit card.

It was declined!

How mortifying! I fumbled through my wallet for a credit card, panic rising as the line behind me grew. Suddenly, a voice from behind said, “I’ll take care of this.” I turned to see a smiling woman paying for my groceries. I began to protest, but she wouldn’t hear it.

At that moment, my heart swelled. My eyes welled up as she smiled and said, “Just pay it forward.”

So, this is karma.

We are all interconnected. There’s no division. My grandmother, a Christian, believed in treating others as you wish to be treated—wisdom I often reflect upon.

How do we discern when and how to give of ourselves?

Listen to that inner voice.

We all recognize it.

Sometimes it’s drowned out by the chaos of daily life or the ongoing chatter of our thoughts. However, it speaks up when crucial choices arise—choices that may not seem significant at the moment but resonate deeply in the grander scheme.

Many attribute that guiding whisper to conscience. Indeed, our conscience and karma are intertwined. Having a conscience is an awareness cultivated over time. Buddhists believe it requires many lifetimes to refine this awareness. To possess a conscience is to embody wisdom. This knowledge of right and wrong and the choices we make shape our karmic fate.

Karma is intriguing. It may return to you the very next day or catch up with you in a future life. But it never forgets. Ultimately, we will receive precisely what we give.

“And, in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” ? Paul McCartney, The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics

The Karmic Cycle

Kyle Greenfield, founder of The Joy Within, states, “The Karmic Cycle refers to the patterns created by your energy. When you generate karmic energy (which you do continuously), that energy must return to you, much like a thrown ball that must come back down.” This cycle affects us all, regardless of our awareness.

The Twelve Karmic Laws

How can I harness my karmic power to manifest positivity and fulfillment in my life?

Dr. Douglas M. Baker, a celebrated esoteric lecturer, explains in his book Karmic Laws, “Every human existence is the outcome of a unique blend of causes and effects—a culmination of past actions that may extend across multiple lifetimes. For those studying esotericism, our bodies—both inner and outer—serve as vessels for creative and destructive energies, shaped by cosmic laws of cause and effect known as karma.”

Jessica Estrada, a contributor to Well+Good, elegantly outlines twelve karmic laws below. Following these principles can help achieve and sustain karmic balance and a positive energy flow.

1. The Great Law Also recognized as the law of cause and effect, this law reflects what many people consider when they think of karma. It asserts that the energy we emit returns to us, whether good or bad. “It’s akin to sowing and reaping,” says Jennifer Gray, a certified life coach. “Plant love and kindness, and you shall reap the same.”

2. The Law of Creation This law emphasizes the necessity of actively creating good in our lives. Good fortune won’t simply materialize; we must initiate it. Gray highlights figures like Oprah and Beyoncé as examples of those who embody this law, using their talents to enrich the world. The ability to create your ideal life resides within you.

3. The Law of Humility Change requires the acceptance of the current state of affairs. This law underscores the importance of humility, a trait common among successful individuals. Gray notes that they often exhibit strength, kindness, and humility while recognizing their circumstances.

4. The Law of Growth True growth is an internal journey. Gray indicates that as we evolve internally, our external reality shifts correspondingly. Personal development through self-help resources is invaluable, and the journey of growth is never-ending.

5. The Law of Responsibility This law highlights accountability for all events in our lives, including unfavorable circumstances. “We determine how we choose to navigate life—not others,” Gray asserts. Take ownership of your role in every situation.

6. The Law of Connection Everything and everyone is interconnected. Gray emphasizes that our past, present, and future selves are part of a continuum. Every experience leads to the next, linking us with one another.

7. The Law of Force While multitasking may seem efficient, dividing attention can lead to diminished results. The law of force states that focusing on one task at a time yields better outcomes.

8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality This law encompasses selflessness and the need to align actions with beliefs. It’s crucial to not only think positive thoughts but also to act on them. For instance, if you believe in charity, you must act on that belief when opportunities arise.

9. The Law of Here and Now Being present is the essence of this law. Gray notes that many of us dwell on past mistakes, but if we focus on the present moment, our interactions and experiences become more rewarding.

10. The Law of Change Repetitive patterns in life signal the law of change. The universe nudges us to learn essential lessons. These cycles persist until we learn and adapt.

11. The Law of Patience and Reward This law emphasizes that consistent effort yields results. Achievements require time, persistence, and celebrating progress along the way.

12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration This law reminds us that we all have unique contributions to offer. Each person’s gifts can positively impact the world, regardless of their perceived significance. Tap into this principle when seeking motivation, but remember that you receive in proportion to what you invest.

Go forth in positivity and light.

I genuinely hope this article has inspired you. We ultimately control our destinies. Seize your karma. Don’t merely drift through life; infuse the world with love and compassion, and witness the sweetness of your own existence!

My name is Jamie Golob. I’m a writer, artist, and life enthusiast, inspired by the collective experiences of the creative community. My mission is to highlight and preserve the beautiful complexities of being human. Sign up for my *Living Wanderfully newsletter* to receive more enriching content directly to your inbox each month.

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