A Call for Action: The Urgent Need for North Korean Liberation

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This piece serves more as a fervent expression of frustration regarding global politics rather than a meticulously crafted analysis. The complexities of military engagement in conflict are far beyond the simplistic notion of “invade, conquer, and bring peace.”

While I recognize the intricacies involved, I feel compelled to reiterate these points. The following reflections represent my personal views and do not claim to speak for anyone else, although I hope to resonate with others who share my perspective.

Recently, I encountered an interview featuring North Korean defectors. The footage, four years old, should ideally be outdated in a perfect world. Regrettably, it remains relevant as the penalties faced by defectors upon capture have intensified.

I aim to highlight the injustices occurring in North Korea and question the lack of global action against them. This serves as a wake-up call, likely to be overlooked and fade into obscurity. Yet, I felt it essential to express my thoughts, if only to relieve my own conscience.

The Cycle of History

Born in Germany in 1990, shortly after the reunification of East and West, I grew up unaware of the suffering endured by East Germans for decades. Only in my teenage years did I learn about the Berlin Wall and the broader division that existed across the country. Like many who fled East Germany, numerous lives were lost trying to escape.

For 45 years, Germany was split. The West aligned with the US and NATO, while the East fell under Soviet influence and the disillusionment of Communism. Germany's post-war fate was shaped by the tensions of the Cold War, a situation of its own making.

West Germans enjoyed far better living conditions than their eastern counterparts. A dark joke from that era poked fun at the scarcity of goods in East Germany: “How do you know where East is? Just place a banana on the Berlin Wall; the side with a bite taken out is East.”

What seemed humorous to children later revealed itself as a harsh reality. Wikipedia offers extensive insights into this period, detailing the wall, patrolling soldiers, and the tragic outcomes for those who attempted to escape.

East Germany functioned as a large prison, yet the people eventually rose against their oppressors, leading to the fall of the wall and reunification.

Today, North Korea's situation is even more dire. Starvation is rampant, malnutrition widespread, and citizens face abuse, forced labor, and executions.

During the Holocaust, Nazi Germany's systematic extermination of millions evoked global outrage, marking one of history's most heinous atrocities. This dark chapter remains a testament to human cruelty.

International military involvement was crucial in halting those atrocities.

A similar crisis unfolds in North Korea today, characterized by severe human rights violations too numerous to detail here. For those born in Europe, the US, or Australia, childhoods are often filled with safety and opportunity, while North Koreans lack basic necessities and rights.

In stark contrast, rice is a luxury for many North Koreans, reserved only for birthdays, while the rest of the family watches, wishing the celebrant well. In Japan, rice forms the foundation of nearly every meal, and organizations like the Red Cross work tirelessly to ensure even African children gain access to it. Yet, in North Korea, rice remains a rarity, just a few kilometers from South Korea, where abundance thrives.

Ignoring Injustice

The US prides itself on possessing the world’s most advanced military, deployed to engage in conflicts in various parts of the Middle East. Millions are spent on destroying makeshift structures while the plight of North Korean citizens is largely ignored.

For decades, the UN has condemned North Korea for its human rights abuses. When news emerged about North Korea's nuclear ambitions, tensions escalated with the US, leading to threats followed by negotiations, none of which have brought about meaningful change.

North Korea is believed to possess nuclear weapons, posing an even greater threat, yet decisive action to halt the regime's ongoing abuses has been elusive.

The hermit kingdom rarely makes headlines except during missile tests, leaving its citizens to suffer from famine, injustice, and violence.

The Case of Otto Warmbier

In 2016, American student Otto Warmbier was detained in North Korea, accused of subversion. After a year in captivity, he returned to the US in critical condition, ultimately succumbing shortly thereafter.

As a US citizen, he was subjected to mistreatment at the hands of his captors, yet President Trump chose to trust North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's claims of ignorance regarding the situation.

Warmbier’s fate mirrors that of countless North Koreans who endure similar fates, yet little pressure is applied for genuine accountability. Instead, leaders dismiss these events as unfortunate accidents. Where is the justice in that?

A Vision for Justice and Liberation

The people of North Korea are just like us—individuals with dreams, aspirations, and families they wish to protect. They aspire to become artists, educators, and professionals, yearning for knowledge and growth.

Trapped in a repressive regime, they cannot wait for change; they need firm intervention. North Koreans deserve liberation from the tyranny that controls their lives.

The North Korean military pales in comparison to global standards, relying on outdated technology, yet it maintains control over a starving populace. The government actively prevents rebellion by keeping citizens weakened and divided.

If any nation requires foreign military intervention, it is North Korea. The current regime must be dismantled and replaced with a democratic government. Infrastructure must be rebuilt, and people must be nourished.

I would willingly join a liberation effort, advocating for action from both the US and NATO to end the ongoing injustices that have persisted for far too long.

Too Much Talk, Too Little Action

It is delusional to expect a peaceful world while ignoring such blatant injustices. We must prioritize those in need over our own comforts to create a better society.

Despite the critical situation in North Korea, many choose to remain passive, claiming it is “not their concern.” This attitude reflects a troubling selfishness.

Leaders who permit such horrors to continue are failing in their roles. They possess the power to act yet remain paralyzed. Their ineffectiveness is reminiscent of a bygone era.

Had Hitler not risen to power, today’s world might look very different. It is imperative to confront injustice directly, not merely through dialogue but with decisive action.

Utilize military resources to champion what is right. Treat oppressive regimes with the seriousness they deserve. Remove the corrupt leadership and allow the nation to thrive through trade and support.

Injustice should be eradicated with unwavering determination—not through empty gestures and bribery.

I encourage you to view the video linked earlier; it reveals truths often overlooked by mainstream media.

_Kevin is an editor and writer for the ILLUMINATION publication. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn._