<Overcoming Fear: Embracing Love and Consciousness to Thrive>

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Fear is an omnipresent element in our lives, influencing our words and actions in both obvious and subtle ways. For instance, we often react strongly when we feel our identity or abilities are questioned—can you recall a moment when that inner sting occurred? Furthermore, many prayers arise from a place of fear and uncertainty, even among those who identify as atheists.

The range of fears is vast and includes: fear of death, disaster, injury, loss, pain, disease, shame, heresy, the unknown, inadequacy, rejection, and even the fear of causing discomfort to others. These fears can often be projected onto various objects, creatures, or situations.

Fear lies at the core of many societal issues, including blame, bullying, conspiracy theories, abuse, hatred, racism, and wars. It is deeply embedded in human culture and collective consciousness. Institutions often thrive by exploiting fear and doubt—think marketing, politics, religion, military, nationalism, and tribalism.

When we experience fear, it triggers cortisol, which can inhibit our prefrontal cortex and allow the amygdala—responsible for emotional regulation—to take control, leading to varying degrees of mental paralysis and panic. This fight-or-flight response releases cortisol, a stress hormone, from our adrenal glands. Prolonged exposure to fear can result in an unhealthy dependency on cortisol, leading to chronic anxiety.

From a metaphysical standpoint, some believe that fear acts as a magnet, attracting what we focus on. Quantum science supports this notion, suggesting that everything exists as electromagnetic frequencies and vibrations that become evident through observation. Fear resonates with a frequency that both humans and animals can perceive.

This aligns with the law of attraction, which posits that what we focus on tends to manifest in our lives, even subconsciously. This idea echoes a biblical sentiment that one's fears may come to pass (Job 3:25–26, KJV), similar to the concept of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What fears occupy and limit your consciousness? The fears being discussed here are not instinctual responses to immediate dangers—like avoiding oncoming traffic or handling hot cookware. We can become aware of latent fears within our subconscious and work to dissolve them. Acknowledging and addressing these underlying fears is an essential aspect of personal growth.

Despite the pervasive presence of fear, there is a path to overcoming it. By observing our triggers and bodily responses from a higher state of consciousness, we can pause, breathe deeply, and connect with our heart—specifically the heart of our soul from which love emanates. It is often said that perfect love dispels fear. The more we respond from a place of loving intuition rather than reactive stimuli, the more fear diminishes until it eventually disappears.

> Fear is often the final restrictive influence to exit our awareness when we are fully aligned with our soul consciousness. More on this will follow.

Now, let’s shift our focus to fear’s counterpart: doubt. Doubt also pervades collective consciousness. It can trigger fear, while fear can amplify doubt, creating a cycle of rationalizations that justify and suppress these feelings.

Can we truly conquer fear—the kind that leads to depression, self-pity, anger, blame, cruelty, sorrow, and illness? With doubt and fear being so influential, are we trapped in a cycle of manipulation?

Instead of diving into our subconscious, consider fear and doubt as cultural phenomena. This perspective allows us to detach personally from them. Though they may seem inescapable, our essence is inherently immune to both doubt and fear. This core being is our pure soul consciousness, serving as the observer of our thoughts and emotions—the ego.

By identifying with our soul consciousness rather than our worldly persona, we gain the ability to rise above the debilitating effects of collective fear and doubt. These limiting frequencies are often the last to be released, as they inhabit a set of frequencies where all thoughts exist. This implies that even when we are free from their influence, we may still observe them and experience fleeting moments of their presence.

The frequencies associated with fear and doubt intertwine with concepts that manifest through the vibration of words. Thus, the key to immunity lies in being the observer and not engaging with these sensations. Fear and doubt are inseparable; where one exists, the other is likely lurking. The pressing question becomes: how can we disentangle these debilitating forces from our habitual thought patterns? We have all felt their presence and can attest to their impact. Yet, we can indeed extricate ourselves!

The Key is Observation.

The moment we recognize fear or doubt in our thoughts or feelings, we identify the source. When recognized by our higher self, yet not engaged with, they lose their power. By observing without engaging, we can visualize them dissipating into nothingness, like dust in the wind.

> Fear and doubt are merely dramas we create. If we refuse to dramatize them in our consciousness, they hold no weight.

Being present is crucial for nullifying fear and doubt. By focusing on the present moment, we can recognize that we are not our past—where fear and doubt often linger—nor are we a future filled with uncertainty, a projection of past anxieties.

Achieving a state of pure awareness—where we do not harbor extraneous thoughts—aligns us with our true essence. It is in this space that wisdom emerges intuitively as needed. Here, concepts and words transform from potential weapons into creative tools. This state embodies peace and unconditional love.

Many have realized that perfect love dispels fear, and an increasing number are beginning to feel its truth. Freeing ourselves from fear—a burden that leads to various negative emotions—is liberating. Despite this, you may still wonder: can we genuinely rid ourselves of fear?

> Our reality is shaped by our consciousness. Thus, changing our awareness alters our reality.

A big question remains: what is this perfect love?

In my view, it represents the essence of what we call Prime Being, God, or All That Is. It embodies our higher self, rooted in spirit. We are individual expressions of the One Consciousness, experiencing and expressing the divine.

Throughout history, many have discovered they can operate from this higher nature instead of their fear-driven ego. From these enlightened figures, we've inherited wisdom such as "above all, put on love" and "die to the old man," referring to the ego. Our ego, shaped by the world, lacks substance; it is a construct we have donned since childhood. In contrast, our higher self is our true identity—an eternal essence devoid of fear.

By choosing to align our identity with our true being, we can rise above the fear that often ensnares us. This choice is free of right or wrong; some may opt to remain within the world's drama, and that is perfectly acceptable. Everyone has their own life mission.

In conclusion, consider these timeless pieces of advice:

  • Fear not!
  • Be still and know.
  • Above all, put on love…

While these may echo religious doctrines, when they are truly realized within an individual, the remnants of religion dissipate—whether in this life or another. Ultimately, there is no pressure, no need to fear being left behind, as the only reality that exists is the present moment, which we all possess infinitely.

A Brief Testimony

One can physically experience fear while the spirit remains undaunted by the anxiety of the body and emotions, bravely confronting challenges. In this way, we can understand fear, acknowledge it physically, yet not be controlled by it.

For instance, when Hurricane Irma was forecasted to strike Florida, I felt a physical response reminiscent of past hurricane experiences. Upon recognizing this energy within me, that acknowledgment empowered me. I transformed the anxiety into motivation to prepare my home and yard for the hurricane. It proved effective for me.

> I hope you appreciate my MidJourney Art & Mindfulness. I would love to hear your thoughts or questions!

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