<The Intersection of UAP and Politics: A 2022 Perspective>

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The topic of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) is set to take center stage in the upcoming 2022 midterm elections. The political landscape is poised for an unprecedented blend of UFO discussions and electoral strategy.

A Historic October Surprise

The year 2022 is shaping up to potentially host the most significant political "October Surprise" in U.S. electoral history. The idea of UFOs becoming a pivotal issue in a national midterm election may seem far-fetched, yet candidates are likely to be interrogated about their positions on this matter.

In the realm of U.S. politics, an "October Surprise" refers to a significant news event that could sway the results of the November elections, either through planned or unforeseen circumstances. The close timing of events in October can greatly impact voter decisions, making late-breaking news stories crucial.

Current Insights

The "Preliminary Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" was unveiled on June 25, 2021. This event is noteworthy because when Congress mandated a report on UAPs from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) in late 2020, it specified a 180-day deadline starting from the date President Trump signed it.

I diligently calculated the 180-day period, pinpointing June 25 as the report's due date. Many media outlets inaccurately reported the timeline as simply "June" or "early June," failing to recognize the specific date until the report's release.

The clear takeaway is that Director Avril Haines and her team at ODNI strictly adhered to the timeline, ensuring that the report was not released prematurely.

Understanding the 2022 Timeline

As of this writing, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is awaiting President Biden's signature after passing both the House and Senate, which is expected to happen before the year concludes.

The NDAA includes a substantial amendment proposed by Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Marco Rubio, outlining comprehensive plans for UAP investigations. This includes annual classified and public reports, funding allocations, and a new office dedicated to UAP inquiries. It also demands clarity regarding the origins of UAPs, their potential health impacts, and whether any are in U.S. possession.

Significantly, the NDAA stipulates a deadline for the first annual report, which is set for Halloween of next year — October 31, 2022.

Next year’s midterm elections will be crucial, with all House members, a third of the Senate, and numerous gubernatorial positions on the ballot. Given the current balance of power in Congress, the stakes are exceptionally high.

Election Day is established by law as the Tuesday following the first Monday of November, placing it between November 2 and November 8. Thus, the midterm elections are slated for November 8, 2022.

My calculations reveal that the next national UAP report will be released just eight days before the midterm elections, making it a likely October Surprise that could significantly influence the election.

Potential Implications

Reflecting on the past, many in the UAP advocacy community felt disheartened by the June 25 report. However, I viewed it as a crucial moment, setting the stage for greater public awareness and anticipation regarding future disclosures, including the 2022 report.

Despite being labeled "preliminary" and consisting of only nine pages in its public form, the report underscored several critical points: - UAPs observed since the 2000s are genuine phenomena, posing risks to aviation safety and showing unusual interest in nuclear facilities. - It is improbable that these UAPs are of American origin, as their capabilities far exceed existing technologies. - Likewise, it is unlikely they are products of adversarial nations like Russia or China.

Given this information, one can infer that if these UAPs are real and not created by the U.S. or its adversaries, they must originate from an external source. Most accounts of sightings suggest they are controlled by intelligent entities.

The Final Stretch of the 2022 Campaign

Amid a backdrop of societal challenges, including the pandemic, social justice movements, inflation, and political unrest, the addition of UAP discussions to the electoral mix may seem overwhelming. However, what could be a burden for one party might serve as a lifeline for another.

While the June 25 report received some initial attention, it quickly faded from the headlines. Nonetheless, its implications were profound, stirring significant reactions among lawmakers. This momentum led to Senator Gillibrand's amendment and public discussions from figures like Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney regarding the possibility of extraterrestrial origins for UAPs. Even NASA's new administrator, Bill Nelson, began to engage more openly on the topic.

As we approach October 31, 2022, the discourse surrounding UAPs has evolved considerably since June 25, 2021. The forthcoming report will need to build upon its predecessor, especially as its authors recognize the potential backlash from Congress should they attempt to obscure the truth.

Notably, Senators Gillibrand, Rubio, and Romney, all of whom have presidential aspirations, are likely to view UAP discussions as politically advantageous. The dynamics of UAPs' reality could shake up traditional political narratives, appealing to various factions within the electorate.

Framing UAPs as a National Security Concern

The UAP issue can be framed as a matter of national security, allowing candidates to express uncertainty about the phenomena while emphasizing the need for readiness. Politicians have increasingly suggested that it would be preferable for UAPs to be of extraterrestrial origin rather than products of rival nations like Russia or China.

While some candidates may downplay their views, they will still align with Ronald Reagan's principle of "Trust but Verify." Ultimately, in light of ongoing disclosures, at least one political party will pose the question of who should hold authority in the event of UAP encounters.

President Biden will need to establish a coherent policy; otherwise, he risks being labeled a reckless pacifist. His campaign is likely to advocate for maintaining an open mind until more information is available, but there's potential for his remarks to become historically significant.

Conversely, former President Donald Trump will likely seize the opportunity to assert his strength, positioning himself as a decisive leader during a time of uncertainty. The mere hint of UAP revelations could serve as a catalyst for his return to the forefront of political discourse.

Historically, UFO discussions have been sidelined in past elections, but 2022 presents a different landscape.

A Chaotic Political Environment

While the prospect of handling UAP revelations may not be the ideal approach for many, it reflects the human tendency toward chaos and complexity. The year 2022 is primed to be recorded in history as the first national election where UAPs feature prominently in various races.

You heard it here first.

> Writer/producer Bryce Zabel co-hosts the acclaimed podcast "Need to Know" with Coulthart and Zabel, available on major platforms like Apple and Spotify. He also publishes "Trail of the Saucers," a collective focused on UAP news and analysis. Here are more articles from the archives:

  • Top Ten UAP/UFO Stories of 2021
  • U.S. Intelligence Leaders Speak Out on UAP
  • That Pesky “Catchall ‘Other’ Bin” for UFOs