The Intersection of UFOs, Mental Health, and Human Evolution

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In this discussion, I'll explore five UFO-related narratives linked below, starting with the US Sun, which appears to be a modern iteration of the National Enquirer—proceed with caution. One of the sources is from Psychology Today, posing the hypothetical question: how would humanity react if confronted with extraterrestrial life? The fact that a psychology magazine is engaging with alien themes could signal a shift in public discourse. Two articles come from SB Nation, a platform typically focused on sports. Personally, I lack expertise in sports. My son is a fan of the San Jose Sharks, having learned to skate from the Dallas Stars, while my father was a supporter of Hook’Em Horns. Isn't it curious how we form tribes around such symbols?

Could we adopt a universal totem for Earth?

If the aforementioned article had the power to 'shock' the world, brace yourselves for what lies ahead. The forthcoming revelations may evoke nostalgia for simpler times when supernatural explanations and religious institutions seemed to provide all the answers. Today's reality is tangled and chaotic, likely due to human misinterpretations and the obfuscation tactics employed by various agencies to hinder progress. This situation contains both positive and negative aspects. Some view it as a threat, while others believe it serves our interests. Both perspectives could hold a grain of truth.

Is there ever a time when everything is perfectly reasonable across all fields?

Take, for instance, French astronaut Claudie Haigneré, who experienced a mental health crisis during which extraterrestrial entities were mentioned. As a mental health advocate, I urge against the ridicule of Claudie; every human is vulnerable to mental strain. We are all just one crisis away from our own unraveling. Often, individuals seek help for loved ones who are in distress, only to be met with the harsh reality of the healthcare system, which often does not intervene unless there is an imminent risk of self-harm or harm to others. When faced with such a situation, it’s important to remind them that if their family members truly require help, their own absence won't remedy the situation.

French Astronaut Cries 'Earth Must Be Warned!' Before Attempting Suicide

Astronauts have returned from their journeys with unsettling experiences that have impacted their mental well-being. Claudie Haigneré is one such individual. The article can be found at

I am a proponent of mental health awareness. Our systems currently offer limited support, often waiting until a crisis occurs before stepping in, which is too late. Claudie's situation was a common one; there are certainly more severe cases to consider. I would assert that her mental health struggles were not solely attributable to alien encounters. Whether she truly witnessed extraterrestrial beings or was involved in a NASA cover-up remains uncertain, though I find the latter scenario plausible. I argue that if individuals are unable to discuss their experiences without facing mockery, it exacerbates their mental health crises.

Isolation has detrimental effects on mental health. I would speculate that Claudie did not possess 'insider' knowledge and may have been troubled by her experiences without a framework to understand them. Any major shift in perspective can be traumatic, supporting the case for a gradual approach to disclosure. Personally, I believe in ripping off the Band-Aid; some, however, prefer a more cautious approach.

Reading the 2021 article titled:

NASA used religious experts to predict how humans may react to aliens

The story highlights how religious authorities have examined potential responses from major world religions to news of extraterrestrial life. The article can be read at

Is NASA's inquiry rooted in genuine concern for public reaction? Or is it indicative of the struggles faced even by their own personnel in keeping secrets and avoiding breakdowns? There are anecdotes suggesting that the first astronauts on the moon underwent personality shifts. Neil Armstrong, for example, rarely engaged in public appearances, and friends noted he often sat alone in darkness.

UFOs, Spirits, and Alien Incarnations

A superficial examination of UFO narratives reveals claims of alien souls inhabiting human bodies to guide humanity through challenging times. This notion extends beyond the works of Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon and can be traced in religious texts and even FBI files. Believe it or not, this is not a plot point from an X-Files episode.

According to an FBI file, "Nikola Tesla came to Earth from Venus"

Declassified FBI documents mention a letter alleging that Nikola Tesla originated from Venus. You can find this intriguing story at

Tesla was undoubtedly an enigmatic figure. People often mock his affection for a pigeon; such ridicule is unwarranted. He faced numerous challenges, many reflecting traits of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Despite his brilliance, he was isolated, which can profoundly affect individuals, particularly those of high intellect. Consider Van Gogh, who, despite his talent, faced rejection and adversity, ultimately leading to his tragic demise. We must show more compassion to our fellow humans.

Interestingly, Elon Musk also grapples with a known mental health condition. His innovative efforts have contributed significantly to the global transition toward sustainable energy, harkening back to Tesla's vision. Whether Musk feels isolated is uncertain, but he has faced skepticism from established NASA scientists, who once dismissed his ambitious projects.

NASA and the U.S. military now rely on Musk's success. He has dedicated personal resources to assist Ukraine and defend democratic ideals. If there were a modern-day Tony Stark, it would undoubtedly be Elon Musk!

Tesla aimed to achieve a similar impact; however, his ethics prevented him from engaging in disputes. He advocated for free energy, while his rival, Edison, resorted to dramatic tactics to undermine Tesla's initiatives. Isn't it curious that even today, the government supports established energy corporations while overlooking Tesla's groundbreaking contributions?

One could argue that humanity is at war with itself; some seek to uplift while others pursue destruction. A critical moment looms; soon, environmental degradation may reach a point of no return—not for life itself, but for humanity. Life has a way of rebounding, but we should not have reached this juncture. A different trajectory might have unfolded had we embraced Tesla's vision earlier.

Tesla claimed to have communicated with extraterrestrials, asserting he was the first point of contact. FBI notes suggest he was from Venus, which could symbolize a spirit of love rather than a literal interpretation. In contrast, Mars embodies conflict, while Venus represents compassion. Tesla's mission was rooted in love for humanity and a desire to assist both the planet and its inhabitants.

Even if Tesla was perceived as eccentric, he was not misguided. The true misalignment lies with those who prioritize profit over the well-being of society and the environment. This mindset is more pathological than those who believe in love, spirituality, and the afterlife.

Our existence hinges on generosity. Countless factors converged, fostering an abundance that sustains life. Observing the vastness of the universe, one must acknowledge the overwhelming abundance present.

What Side Do You Choose?

Economic systems often harbor pathological elements that lead to detrimental human behavior. Historically, these systems have fostered political and philosophical ideologies that isolate or harm those who dissent or fail to conform to the established norms. Throughout history, human economic systems have been structured around scarcity, rather than the concept of abundance.

If Aliens Showed Up, Would Humans Unite?

This narrative is grounded in truth. In November 1985, in Versoix, a Geneva suburb, the world was still ensnared in the Cold War, facing off between Western democracies and the Soviet Union. Ronald Reagan, a former actor and staunch anti-communist, conversed with Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet leader, whom he had once labeled as the "evil empire."

This article in Psychology Today fails to fully address how political and economic leaders employ manipulative tactics to guide human behavior in ways that serve their interests rather than society as a whole. This bold assertion calls for even greater specificity: as individuals and nations, we can no longer afford to act as though our actions and philosophies exist in isolation from the world around us. Every action we take influences others. We share this planet. We must choose between collaboration and conflict.

We must strive to treat one another and our planet with greater kindness. There are technologies available that can facilitate this. Yet, many are wielded to sow division and incite conflict. Numerous individuals in the UFO community express concern that the pervasive threat narrative surrounding aliens—dating back to President Reagan—serves to manipulate the populace into compliance with elite agendas.

To date, I have seen little evidence that the elite prioritize the welfare of humanity or the Earth. It’s ironic that an article in Psychology Today references Reagan and Gorbachev discussing aliens, finding common ground despite their political differences.

> It was November 1985, in Versoix, a suburb of Geneva, Switzerland, and the world was still in the icy grip of a Cold War pitting Western democracies against the Soviet Union and its allies. Ronald Reagan, a former B-movie actor, science-fiction fan, and rabid anti-communist turned president of the United States, was sitting down for a chat with Mikhail Gorbachev, the leader of the Soviet Union—the authoritarian communist nation Reagan, two years earlier, had branded “the evil empire.”

Are aliens the real threat, or is it the elite who have failed to de-escalate global tensions, sabotaging production, and destroying resources?

One could argue the issue lies within societal structures, rather than corporations. There is an abundance of food; restaurants discard vast quantities daily without distributing to those in need, citing health regulations as an excuse, which rings hollow given the durability of many food items. The truth is, if food were freely given away, people would buy less.

Why do you think initiatives like Johnny Appleseed's were halted, ceasing the planting of fruit and nut-bearing trees across the nation?

If solar panels became widespread, many could generate their own energy, negating the need for purchased electricity. If cars became energy-independent, who would continue to buy gasoline at inflated prices? Are these prices inflated due to scarcity, or do the elite realize their days of profiting from oil are numbered?

Whether or not aliens are real, change is inevitable. We stand at a pivotal moment in history; for the first time, we possess the technology to foster kindness, wisdom, and collaboration in ways previously unimaginable.

Conversely, we could also descend into a darker reality. The choice is ours. Who stands to lose the most from the UFO narrative? Read the following article and share your thoughts. The referenced hearing is happening today.

God bless those advocating for truth and making impactful decisions. May their actions benefit all of humanity, not just a select few.

Inside UFO secrets that could be revealed at bombshell hearing probing whether aliens pose national…

Concerns have been raised regarding UFOs possessing capabilities that could outmaneuver and outperform the U.S.'s most advanced technology. Read more at