The Unconstitutional Nature of Government Efficiency

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The government may operate with a level of "efficiency," yet it often strays from constitutional guidelines and lacks true effectiveness.

The governing body seeks to instigate change autonomously, often disregarding the will of the populace. As a result, it deviates from the foundational laws of our nation.


Rather than pursuing amendments, the government frequently resorts to impulsive actions to demonstrate its supposed efficiency.

On April 18, 1966, Dan Smoot recorded a presentation titled “A Republic Not A Democracy.” The distinctions he outlined have been elaborated upon in two subsequent papers: “On Democratic Socialism” and “We Have a Democratic Republic.”

I must express my regret to my readers; after examining Dan Smoot’s insights on the term “democracy,” I was taken aback but found myself in agreement due to the current state of affairs. Many are concerned that we are on the brink of another Civil War.

By 2023, the term “democracy” has been propagated in line with the concerns Smoot articulated in 1966.

The inclusion of "Democratic" in the titles of the aforementioned papers reflects our nation’s shift to the left. The reality is that we have transitioned into a “Socialist Country” over the decades.

The looming threat of Communism is evident, as figures like Bill Gates acquire extensive land holdings. The Chinese already possess vast areas, along with other foreign investors. We risk losing our property rights altogether.

In 1966, Smoot noted, “In this century (20th), great strides have been made towards the goal of subverting our Republic and transforming it into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of language.”

He added, “By labeling our nation a democracy, totalitarians have clouded the true principles of our governance.”

A democracy inevitably devolves into a dictatorship that promises equality and security but ultimately leads to poverty and servitude for its people.

If, as Smoot suggested in 1966, significant progress had been made by wealthy totalitarians to undermine our Republic, then fifty-seven years later, we find ourselves as serfs fighting for scraps. Inflation, the “New Tax,” continues to erode our livelihoods.

Do we truly believe that the candidates on our ballots reflect our desires? They are often selected by totalitarians who invest millions to achieve their ends. Totalitarians fund all elections (just ask Soros). We resemble a crowd in a parade, cheering blindly.

What Led Us to Totalitarianism?

Smoot stated in 1966, “A Democracy is a political system where the populace periodically selects rulers through majority voting. These rulers wield absolute power to enact any laws they choose.”

“In a Constitutional Republic, the populace also elects rulers via majority vote, but the Constitution imposes strict limitations on their law-making capabilities.”

“The ideal of a Democracy is Universal equality; the ideal of a Constitutional Republic is individual Liberty.”

Where do we stand today? I apologize for the bluntness of the next statement: We have been reliant on government support for over a century, demanding more at every turn.

The government aims to balance contradictory desires, contributing to our staggering $34 trillion debt.

In essence, we find ourselves in the following predicament:

NO government adheres to the Constitution.

From Woodrow Wilson’s era (1913) to the present, totalitarians (the Elites) have transformed our Republic into a socialist regime, misleadingly labeled as a “democracy.”

It’s not that we are on the path to becoming a socialist nation called a “democracy.” WE ARE ALREADY A SOCIALIST NATION LABELED AS A DEMOCRACY.

Currently, we are merely bartering over the remnants.

In 1966, Smoot remarked, “Totalitarians have obscured the real meaning of American Principles of government. Consider the following excerpt from a recent New York Times article: ‘In the United States and other leading democracies, recent years have seen a notable rise in Executive Authority. As society becomes more equalitarian, it tends to increasingly concentrate absolute power in the hands of a single individual, representing a voluntary surrender of freedom by the people.’”

In his recording, Smoot emphasizes that the concept of democracy embodies “universal equality,” which starkly contrasts with the founders' intention of establishing a “Constitutional Republic” to safeguard “individual Liberty.” Individual Liberty thrives in a meritocratic system where everyone has the opportunity to realize their potential.

“Universal Equality is NOT equivalent to Individual Liberty.”

“America was designed as a Constitutional Republic to protect the people's Liberty from the tyranny of democracy or a singular dictatorship.”

He remarked, “In this century (20th, 1966), substantial advances have been made toward the goal of undermining our Republic and reshaping it into a Democracy. The primary method of subversion involves altering language.”

Smoot highlighted that by labeling America a democracy, totalitarians obscure the genuine principles of governance. He referenced the following passage from a recent New York Times article: “In the United States and other leading democracies, recent years have seen a discernible rise in Executive Authority. As society becomes more equalitarian, it tends to concentrate absolute power in the hands of a single man; this represents a voluntary surrender of freedom by the populace to an autocratic master.”

Biden's repeated calls for “Power, Power, Power” epitomize TOTALITARIANISM.

The crux of the issue is that “Efficient” does NOT equate to “Effective.”




The pressure to appear efficient leads to hasty and poorly considered laws.

We need “Effective Law,” NOT merely “Efficient Law.”

When there’s a rush for results, mistakes occur. The government’s errors, however, yield severe consequences.

“Efficiency” is often the catalyst for such missteps.

Numerous industries highlight the adverse effects of “Schedule Pressure” on product quality.

  1. Ackoff stated, “The value of the objective pursued is irrelevant to efficiency but is critical to effectiveness. Effectiveness is evaluated efficiency, defined as efficiency multiplied by value, resulting in effectiveness for a valued outcome.”

Effectiveness = Efficiency x Value

Who determines VALUE in a product? The individuals do. Why don’t we demand an EFFECTIVE government?

For instance, “The USA PATRIOT ACT” transformed into the “Un-Patriot Act” when the FBI misused it to unjustly target Carter Page and attempt to bring him before a secret court as a traitor.

From “The People’s Perspective,” any law enacted by the government must be scrutinized through the lens of an Amendment. We must be cautious and judicious when contemplating the sacrifice of our LIBERTY.

The “Value” of the “Patriot Act” is exceedingly low; during the Trump administration, it was applied against Carter Page in a manner deemed “Unconstitutional.”

Therefore, we might assert: “The government was 100% efficient in enacting that law.” Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, it was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. The Senate adopted the House bill (98–1) without amendments on October 25, and the following day, Bush enacted the measure. It took just 26 days to establish an extensive surveillance apparatus in the United States.


This “Patriot Act” was hastily pushed through without our consent, complete with “Secret Courts and Secret Judges.” It is now being misused against us as a tool of oppression based on fabrications.

Most egregiously, Woodrow Wilson established the 4th Branch of government without an amendment, and today, 3,000,000 “Civil Servants” are comfortably benefiting at our expense, adding to our “Credit Card” (34 Trillion Dollar Debt) daily.



This will slow down government operations.

OR, we will suffocate under an overwhelming debt.

References: 1. “A Republic, Not a Democracy” by Dan Smoot, April 18, 1966