Understanding Attachments Through the Light of Unconditional Love

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Healing Attachments: A Journey of Transformation

The Essence of Unconditional Love

The term "unconditional love" can be synonymous with "light." From the moment we are born, love is the fundamental emotion, and all other feelings stem from this pure essence. Attachments to negative emotions and behaviors can be healed by reconnecting with this light.

Understanding Attachments

Attachments can be categorized into minor and major forms. Minor attachments, such as opinions or judgments, may not have a significant impact unless they become chronic. In contrast, major attachments manifest as persistent negative emotional patterns and habits.

Our aura, the electromagnetic field produced by our physical bodies, is enriched through our breath and is made up of various frequencies. Fear, when stemming from immediate danger, often resolves itself quickly. However, in modern life, the delayed effects of fear can lead to anxiety and other negative feelings that disrupt the flow of light in our auras.

Healing Attachments in Our Auric Field

To heal emotional wounds, we must first recognize the nature of our attachments. These attachments can resemble dark holes in our auric field, similar to the way a pimple appears on the skin. They represent areas where light is trapped, creating patterns that can be difficult to overcome.

While attachments themselves are not inherently negative—they offer opportunities for growth and learning—they can become chronic patterns that hinder our well-being. As such, it’s essential to learn how to release and heal these emotional bonds.

Visualizing Attachments

In our auric field, attachments often manifest as clusters of energy, akin to interconnected holes. When these attachments become habitual, they can evolve into addictions, further trapping light within us. Healing these patterns with unconditional love can alter these destructive cycles.

The Role of Unconditional Love in Healing

Unconditional love serves as the foundation for healing. It allows us to access higher frequencies of light that can dissolve our attachments. This healing process is not solely about letting go of negative habits; it also involves embracing a deep connection with love and light.

Practical Steps for Healing

To connect with unconditional love, focus on your heart chakra. Breathe deeply while repeating the phrase "I Am," allowing the resonance of love to fill your auric field. This practice can facilitate healing by expanding your connection to love beyond your physical body.

In addition, the third eye plays a crucial role in manifesting this light. By directing the energy from your heart and third eye through your hands, you can channel healing energy to dissolve attachment patterns effectively.


This approach to healing focuses on directly addressing the attachments that physically manifest within our aura. By recognizing and releasing these bonds, we can transcend fear and reestablish a sense of unity with ourselves and the universe.

Next Steps

Completing Your Soul’s Body

For further exploration on this topic, consider reading about the journey of returning or ascending to higher realms of existence.

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