Unraveling the Unruh Effect: The Intersection of Acceleration and Temperature

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When discussing the Unruh effect, formulated by physicists Stephen Fulling, Paul Davies, and W. G. Unruh, one finds that an accelerating observer perceives the vacuum as possessing a temperature. Essentially, an observer in an accelerated frame will detect particles, while those in an inertial frame will not.

This discussion will closely reference the work of Mukhanov and Winitzki.

Unruh effect illustration

Moving With Constant Acceleration

Consider an astronaut aboard a spaceship moving with uniform acceleration through Minkowski spacetime. The two-dimensional matrix representation of the metric tensor is given as follows:

Metric tensor representation

The line element corresponding to this scenario is:

Minkowski line element

By parameterizing the observer's motion using proper time, we derive two conditions (the second being the derivative of the first):

Velocity and acceleration conditions

The Horizon of the Accelerated Observer

An observer undergoing constant force moves in a hyperbolic manner. As illustrated in the following diagram, such an observer can overtake a light beam if given a sufficient head start, creating a hidden region delineated by a horizon—akin to the phenomenon in black holes.

Accelerated observer outrunning light

In the spacetime diagram below, photon A, which departs from the origin at x=0 when t < 0, eventually catches up with the observer, while photon B, which crosses the origin when t > 0, does not.

Spacetime diagram of photon interactions

In the comoving inertial frame, where the observer is at rest, we find:

Comoving frame conditions

Notably, from the previous equations, we establish:

Acceleration condition in inertial frames

Our objective is to demonstrate that an accelerating observer will perceive particles, unlike an observer at rest. To facilitate this, we will utilize new coordinates known as lightcone coordinates to describe Minkowski spacetime.

Lightcone Coordinates

These coordinates are defined in relation to the original (t,x):

Lightcone coordinates definition

The matrix representation of the corresponding metric tensor in Minkowski spacetime is:

Metric tensor for lightcone coordinates

By substituting the metric tensor into the earlier equations, we arrive at:

Derivatives of lightcone coordinates

These can be readily solved, leading us to:

Solution for accelerated observer trajectory

From the lightcone coordinates, we can derive:

Trajectory equations in (t,x) coordinates

It is essential to note that:

Worldline of an accelerated observer

Thus, we can conclude that the worldline of an accelerated observer in the (t,x) coordinate system is represented as a hyperbola:

  • The observer, initially at x ? ??, comes to rest at x = 1/a and then accelerates back towards x ? +?.
  • As x approaches infinity, the trajectory nears the lightcone.
Hyperbolic worldline representation

Comoving Frames

Next, we will identify a comoving frame for our accelerated observer. Following Mukhanov and Winitzki, we seek a reference frame where:

  • The observer remains at rest when the spatial component x¹=0
  • The time coordinate is defined as ?=t, the proper time of the observer along their worldline

For the metric in this comoving frame, it is advantageous for it to be conformally flat, a property that becomes relevant when integrating quantum mechanics into our analysis. A conformal map retains angles locally, although it does not necessarily preserve lengths.

Example of a conformal map

In conformally flat manifolds, each point can be mapped to flat space using a conformal transformation. Therefore, the line element in the comoving frame can be expressed as:

Line element in comoving frame

Here, the function remains undetermined. To ascertain the expression for f(?,x¹), we first define the lightcone coordinates of the comoving reference frame:

Lightcone coordinates of the comoving frame

One can demonstrate that, to avoid quadratic differentials of the comoving lightcone coordinates in ds², the following variable dependencies must hold:

Relationship between lightcone coordinates

After a few additional straightforward steps, we quickly derive the forms of these functions:

Explicit forms of lightcone coordinates

We can now utilize the results obtained to express the line element in the comoving frame:

Line element in the comoving frame

This is referred to as Rindler spacetime, which is similar to Minkowski spacetime (devoid of curvature) but only encompasses a quarter of it (thus it is incomplete). The diagram below illustrates examples of Rindler accelerated observers.

Rindler coordinates depiction

The original coordinates x and t can be expressed in terms of the ? variables:

Original coordinates in terms of ? variables

Introducing Quantum Fields

Next, we explore a massless scalar field within a 1+1 dimensional spacetime. The action can be represented as:

Action of a massless scalar field

This action exhibits conformal invariance:

Conformal invariance of the action

Here, g signifies the determinant of the metric tensor, illustrating the similarity between S in both inertial and accelerated frames:

Similarity in action for different frames

In lightcone coordinates, we can readily determine the field equations and their solutions (detailed in Mukhanov and Winitzki). The solutions consist of sums of right and left-moving modes:

Right-moving modes in field equations

This characteristic of the solutions, along with the earlier equations, indicates that opposite moving modes do not interfere with each other and can thus be treated independently. Moving forward, only the right-moving modes will be considered for clarity.

To this point, the analysis has remained classical, lacking quantum mechanics. We will now transition into quantizing the theory.

Within the Rindler wedge, the coordinate systems overlap, allowing us to employ the standard canonical procedure to quantize the theory and expand the quantum field operator ?:

Quantum field operator expansion

In this expression, (LM) indicates left-moving modes. The operators

Creation and annihilation operators

adhere to standard commutation relations, which will be omitted for brevity. It is crucial to note the existence of two vacuum states:

Rindler and Minkowski vacuum states

The appropriate vacuum state is contingent on the specific experiment conducted. For instance, from the viewpoint of the Rindler observer, the Minkowski vacuum appears to contain particles. In other words, if the quantum fields are in the Minkowski vacuum state, a detector operated by the Rindler observer will register massless particles. Conversely, if the quantum fields reside in the Rindler vacuum, no particles will be detected.

Relation Between a and b Operators

The transformations linking the operators are referred to as Bogolyubov transformations, named after the Soviet mathematician and physicist Nikolay Bogolyubov.

Nikolay Bogolyubov

By substituting the Bogolyubov transformations into the quantum field operator expansion and performing straightforward manipulations, we can derive the coefficients:

Coefficients of the a and b operators

The Unruh Temperature

We now arrive at significant findings:

  • The average density of particles with frequency ? as perceived by the accelerating observer.
  • The Unruh temperature, which corresponds to the temperature of the Bose-Einstein distribution governing the massless particles detected by an accelerated observer in the Minkowski vacuum.

The mean density is given by:

Mean particle density

This corresponds to a temperature known as the Unruh temperature:

Unruh temperature Comparison of average occupancy in different statistics

Physical Explanation

The Unruh effect can be understood as follows: fluctuations in the quantum vacuum interact with the detector carried by the accelerating observer. This interaction excites the detector, resembling a thermal environment at the temperature specified by the Unruh temperature. The energy resulting from these fluctuations is produced by the mechanism responsible for the acceleration, such as a propulsion system that accelerates the spaceship carrying the observer.

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