A Call to Writers: Join the Challenge and Share Your Journey

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Here's a Challenge for Writers


Writing can be an enjoyable pursuit, but it becomes disheartening when there’s no one to appreciate your work. An absence of readership can sap your enthusiasm and lead to a loss of motivation.

We want to prevent that from happening. The decline in motivation can stifle creativity and productivity. Readers are on the lookout for innovative concepts and quality content.

Just as we need daily showers, inspiration and motivation are essential for writers. Engaging in writing can serve as a therapeutic outlet and can help reignite your passion. By sharing your worries and aspirations with your audience, you enhance your growth as a writer.

Recently, many writers have felt a dip in their inspiration due to disappointing statistics. The recent trends on Medium are quite alarming, indicating a significant drop in visibility for many writers. It often feels as though writers are lost in obscurity, making it difficult for readers to discover their work.

Despite these challenges, I urge you to keep creating, writing, and sharing your experiences in a meaningful way. Taking action fosters motivation. A constructive strategy for creators is to articulate their concerns and engage in thoughtful discussions.


This article serves as an invitation for writers to voice their concerns and aspirations while sharing links to their stories.

I encourage you to craft a personal narrative that addresses your worries, dreams, and suggestions.

To aid you, I have compiled ten prompts to inspire your writing. Feel free to adapt these questions to create your story.

I believe this distinct narrative will facilitate better connections, attract new readers, and help you gain followers.

Let’s make this happen. You have everything to gain.

All it takes is dedicating an hour to organize your thoughts and submit your personal story.

Story Prompts

Here are ten prompts to help you develop your narrative:

  1. As a writer, my main challenges and frustrations are…
  2. As a writer, my goals and dreams include…
  3. The five stories I’ve written that garnered the most views are…[Include a brief introduction to each story]
  4. Here are some of my exceptional stories that didn’t receive adequate attention…[Include a brief introduction to each story]
  5. I am thankful to these ten readers who regularly engage with my work. [Tag their Medium account ID]
  6. These are the ten writers I follow closely. [Tag their Medium account ID]
  7. I plan to write about these subjects for the following reasons…
  8. I aim to read more on these topics because…
  9. I wish to read more from these authors. [Tag their Medium account ID]
  10. If I were in charge of Medium, I would introduce these features to better support writers and readers…

Additional Considerations

I suggest your story be at least 500 words long.

Kicker: “Inspiration”

Suggested title: “What Concerns Me as a Writer and My Plans Moving Forward.”

Subtitle: “Creative Thoughts from [Your Name]”

Feel free to modify the title and subtitle to reflect your style.

Consider introducing your background in the opening paragraph.

If you have a writer’s biography, you can include it at the end.

You may also add photos of yourself, links to your website, blogs, books, or workspace.


When you submit your story, please tag me. I will gather your narratives into a collection and promote them through relevant community initiatives.

Thank you for participating in this writing challenge; I want your stories to reach a wider audience.

I look forward to hosting, reading, and sharing your stories on ILLUMINATION.

Wishing you the best in your writing journey!

Thank you for engaging with my thoughts. I wish you a healthy and fulfilling life.

An Invitation from Aiden

Here’s a new challenge from Aiden (Illumination Gaming), one of our editors.

Are You Joining Jenn’s Writing Challenge This Month?

An invitation to participate in a daily writing challenge initiated by top writer Jenn Leach.

If you find this article helpful, you might explore my holistic health and wellness stories, which reflect my insights, experiences, and decades of informed practices.

Sample Health Improvement Articles for New Readers

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  • Enhance Lung Health with Lifestyle Modifications
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  • Enhance Brain Health with Ten Lifestyle Strategies
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I also delve into essential nutrients. Here are some links for your convenience:

Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and other nutrients that may help enhance metabolism and mental wellness.

How a Leaky Gut Can Lead to a Leaky Brain and Ways to Mitigate Risks in 7 Steps

I share my lifestyle, health, and wellness narratives on EUPHORIA. My work includes articles on major diseases and beneficial nutrients for health, focusing on metabolic, cellular, mitochondrial, and mental well-being.

You can subscribe to receive notifications whenever Dr. Mehmet Yildiz publishes new content. He is a respected writer and editor on Medium.

You are welcome to join my seven publications on Medium as a contributor by sending a request via this link.

For more information about my professional background, see below.

About the Author

I am a technologist, postdoctoral researcher, author of multiple books, editor, and digital marketing strategist with over forty years of industry experience.

I contribute articles on Medium, NewsBreak, and Vocal Media. I founded ILLUMINATION, along with other publications, supporting over 15,500 writers on Medium.

You can request to join my publications here. Subscribe to my account to be notified of my Medium posts. I share my health and wellness stories through my publication, Euphoria.

If you're new to Medium, you can sign up by following this link.